【Astro twins 2015年5月12星座运势】
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Astro twins 2015年5月12星座运势


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本帖共12页 每页一个星座 


















来自: creampuff 





因为满月会引发强烈的情绪,有伴的白羊们可能会发现他们自己正面临着需要解决一些长期的精神压迫以及不满。比如:如果你在一段关系中一直过多的承担一些责任,你可能会突然火山爆发——“真是够了,适可而止!” 但是白羊们也可以通过大胆对另一半表现出自己的真正脆弱的一面,来体验到更多的亲密。首先向你的另一半表达你真正的想法,然后羊儿们需要花点时间来倾听你们另一半的反应。可以给另一半一个机会,让TA给你惊喜,并且给予你支持。 












你可以再次通过努力获得一些“新鲜空气”,尤其是当急躁且强烈的火星直到5月 11日都会位于金牛座,代表白羊财务的第二宫。 

一次办公室罗曼史,或者因工作地点而产生的情愫可能会升温。 因为工作压力会很大,所以你们在一起彻夜加班的时候,可能会碰撞出火花哦。而有伴的白羊座可能不会投入太多时间到你的感情中,因为你需要抓紧时间在最后期限之前完成你的工作,或者你需要为工作投入大量精力。 








Back to basics, Ram. Until May 21, the Sun is in Taurus, your second house of work, money and the essentials. For the first three weeks, focus your firebrand energy on building a solid nest egg and producing on-the-job, tangible results. Since time is money, streamline—cut out practices and activities that either slow you down or detract from your bottom line. A good rule of thumb is to start the day with tasks that will bring in revenue or results the soonest. Following a budget can keep you on the right savings path. Ultimately, this is your time to create more security, via your own self-sufficient means. Check your own self-worth barometer: healthy esteem will translate into more financial security. 


Just as you’re taking concrete steps to increase your bank account, the May 3 full moon in Scorpio, your eighth house of shared wealth and joint assets, puts the focus on a merger, perhaps fiscal, emotional or spiritual. A key partnership, business or professional, reaches a turning point, and possibly an ending. Perhaps you decide to take your commitment to the next level, with an investment (like venture capital or a grant) or a domestic development (like a pregnancy or marriage proposal). Some Aries may decide to part ways, or deal with a division of assets. A real estate matter could come to fruition; perhaps you close on a piece of property. Whatever the case, aim for a win-win scenario. You can’t ink a deal for perma-bonding if it’s not right. 


There’s an air of intensity around this full moon. You could be dealing with repressed emotions and jealousy—especially since the moon forms a tricky square to excessive Jupiter in Leo, your dramatic fifth house—so watch out for unnecessary theatrics and fireworks. Sure, you want to take decisive action, but you could definitely jump to some wrong conclusions that you end up wanting to take back, creating unnecessary blowouts without gathering the facts. Maybe you’re just thirsty for a change, and these extreme situations are your way of feeling freedom. But do you want to overturn trust and security just for a little excitement? 


You have a chance to get grounded two weeks later. On May 17, a new moon in Taurus, your second house of stability, grants you a fresh start in money matters. Perhaps you get an exciting job offer, one with a benefits package to rival all. Or maybe your boss gives you a raise for your top-notch performance. This page-turning moment will help you plant important seeds that could come to financial fruition in the next six months. If your values aren’t in alignment with how you earn your income, you can set an intention to change that, perhaps even sending out a few resumes. Or perhaps you'll make a commitment to stand for your own worth. (For a primer on women and wealth, we love Barbara Stanny’s Overcoming Underearning.) Steps you take today to build greater security will pay off six months down the line. 


But watch your words, especially from May 18-June 11, as clever Mercury turns retrograde (backward) in Gemini, your third house of communications. Be extra mindful of everything you put into writing during this time, including important negotiations and project updates. An important pitch meeting could go off the rails, or the motivation behind something you say could be misconstrued. Planning can help mitigate some of the mishaps and confusion, but also, if you can put off really big appointments and launches until the second half of June, that’s all the better. Things could also go awry with travel and transportation, so give yourself extra time to get from place to place. If you do miss a connection, don’t freak out. You’ll do a lot better if you go with the natural (and sometimes chaotic) flow. For more on Mercury retrograde, see our post at www.astrostyle.com/mercury-retrograde. 


On May 21, the Sun moves into Gemini, your third house of ideas and teaching, putting the emphasis on the way you express your intellectual passions. For the next three weeks, you may want to revisit an old writing project. (Is there a blog post or a novel in progress to dust off?) With Mercury retrograde in this same linguistic domain, you do need to be careful before you hit "publish" or "send," though. Reflecting on your communication style could help advance you once the fleet-footed messenger planet goes direct (forward). Since the third house rules local action, you may want to get involved with a community project or just scope out new hangouts in your 'hood. Your wit and wisdom are sharp, so you'll enjoy playing mayor or bantering with the neighbors. 


The next day, you could feel some cold water dashed on a big idea, as the annual Sun-Saturn opposition puts the spotlight on your chatty third house (ruled by Gemini) and your expansive ninth house (ruled by Sagittarius). Perhaps your desire for freedom gets a setback, as you receive news that a trip or some other grand plan, like a return to school, needs to be put on hold. As much as you want to spread your wings, you can’t help but feel hemmed in. Maybe a conversation with a coworker makes you realize you’re not as prepared as you thought for that start-up. Or perhaps you get a much-needed reality check that requires a project revision. Whatever the case, one more trip to the drawing board will only make your efforts that much stronger.




Scorpio full moon: Sexual healing?

On May 3, the full moon in Scorpio, your eighth house of intimacy and soul-merging, brings an important development in matters of the heart. You could go deep into a sensual relationship, opening yourself up on a more spiritual level. Transcendence AND healing are possible in a close connection around this day, perhaps even in the bedroom. (For more on this tantric-inspired idea, check out this link.) Since full moons bring out strong emotions, coupled Rams could find themselves dealing with long-repressed issues or grievances. For example, if you’re taking on more than your share of the responsibility, you could have a volcanic eruption—enough's enough! But you could also experience more closeness, by daring to be truly vulnerable with one another. Start by saying what's really on your mind, and then take time to listen to your partner’s response. Give them an opportunity to surprise you and, especially, to support you. Solo Aries get a glimpse into what might be standing in the way of an ecstatically fulfilling union. Love yourself—truly, madly and deeply—and the rest will follow.


Since this full moon forms an exact square—a tricky 90-degree angle—to indulgent Jupiter in Leo, your passionate fifth house, you may find yourself torn between wanting a soul-level commitment and free-spirited fun. It's not that you want to jeopardize intimacy and emotional security, but you're also craving some excitement. An innocent flirtation could veer into something much more complicated at this full moon, especially if the chemistry with someone reaches a boil. Proceed with caution, especially if you're in a committed relationship. Can you have your cake and eat it, too? Well, that remains to be seen, Ram.  



Venus in Cancer: Domestic bliss.

Homebody at heart? From May 7-June 4, romantic Venus enters Cancer, your domestic fourth house. For this three-week stretch, you crave comfort and security in all relationships. Coupled Rams might spend more time with their families, or take the opportunity for a “meet the parents” moment, if that hasn’t happened already. Family planning might also be in the works, and maybe you even get the urge for a baby-makes-three development. Single Aries, maybe the incessant buzz of online dating has just worn you down, or you’re just too sensitive to the wishy-washy ways of half-hearted dates. If that’s the case, take a break from the matchmaking rounds and fill up your own emotional tanks with a ton of self-care and self-love. 


But before you get TOO chill, be warned: Venus gets into a couple of scuffles this month that interrupt the cozy vibe. On May 21, affectionate Venus in Cancer, your sensitive fourth house, opposes power-mongering Pluto in Capricorn, your tenth house of tradition and boundaries. Perhaps an old parental dynamic rears its ugly head, and ancient issues around nurturing and protection come up. Maybe you’re being unconsciously rebellious, e.g. your honey wants to plan something and you bristle at the thought, feeling like too much is being demanded of you. Step into your own power, Aries—but do it mindfully, if you can. No one is, in fact, the boss of you. Yet you could find yourself wanting to be babied and then responding with a harsh "you don't own me" vibe. Here’s the real issue: do you have the same end game as your partner? A conversation about the long haul could be in order, even though it may potentially disrupt your cozy emotional bond. 


The angst around your partnerships continues on May 25, when Venus faces off with feisty Uranus in Aries, your first house of self and identity. Are you having a knee-jerk reaction to something, for example, your partner announcing your relationship via Facebook or a date moving in too quickly for a kiss? You might act out in a shocking way, or get embroiled in a power struggle. An "I need space!" moment could hit couple Aries out of the blue. Don’t be surprised if you decide to book a solo venture or take a little time apart. Hopefully, your mate won’t take it personally. You've likely been too compliant in doing things their way…and maybe, for you, this is a necessary course correction. Or, you might just crave a little excitement, or need to see yourself as more of a badass than you currently feel like. A slight shake-up can ultimately benefit you, but definitely proceed with caution. A destabilizing move could have greater consequences than you realize. 


Mars in Taurus & Gemini: Seeking everyday excitement.

Then again, your distraction (or “fresh air”—however you want to look at it) could come through work, especially with sultry and intense Mars in Taurus, your second house of finances, until May 11. An office romance or workplace crush could heat up. Since job pressure can be high, perhaps the attraction will be sparked when you're logging long nights at the office together. Coupled Aries may not have as much time to devote to your relationship, as you’re just trying to meet deadlines and cover your professional bases. 


For couples, money could be a source of tension. You don’t need to be with a high roller, but someone who is self-sufficient is a necessary start. Can your other half pick up the slack already? If you haven't been pulling your weight, you could feel the pressure to pay your due. All Rams might crave more stability or consistency during the first couple weeks of May. You want monogamy with thrills (it's possible, believe it or not!). As long as things don't get SO predictable that they lose their edge, why not?


Then, on May 11, desire-driven Mars enters Gemini, your third house of communication and variety, until June 24. Now, you want to mix things up a bit. Perhaps you and your partner can take an intellectual journey together, signing up for a class or embarking on a joint hobby. Variety is the spice of your love life, so don’t miss an opportunity to be spontaneous or simply have a little adventure and make new friends. (Bonus points for kindred spirits with killer senses of humor.) Solo Aries who were seeking monogamy in early May will now adopt a "the more the merrier" policy. With Mars in Gemini giving you the gift of witty gab, your suggestive flirtations will attract plenty of admirers. If love is a feast or famine, let’s just say you could be well-fed in the latter part of May.



Taurus season: Get 'er done!

Deadlines! Roll up your sleeves, because the Sun is in Taurus, your practical second house, until May 21. Your primary concerns are financial: if you perform well, your self-worth goes up. If your self-worth goes up, so does your income. This pragmatic chain of influence is your guiding light, as you pore over your budget and figure out ways to increase your bottom line. (Do you really need that forty-five dollar mascara that you only use for special occasions?) Cut out the distractions and wasteful extras, Aries, and focus on your priorities first.


Until May 11, go-getter Mars is in this same money-minded zone, helping you cross tasks off your to-do list, and figure out ways to earn more cash. Maybe there’s a quick side gig you can take, or perhaps it’s time you asked for a raise. Mars can make you a bit impatient or rash, though—watch out for biting off more than you can chew. Your tunnel vision may not endear you to coworkers, either, so beware acting like a bulldozer when you're on a mission. Don’t forget to bring in so-and-so’s favorite salted caramel cookies, or even just to ask how things are going. A little honey can help you catch a LOT of flies. If cash flow is in short supply, you can probably hustle and find a solution. You may also want to be strategic with how you handle financial issues. Check out this article on “Money Mind”—figuring out your natural thinking around finances can ultimately help pad your account.


Your powers of pragmatism are high on May 6, when the Sun in Taurus forms a supportive trine to transformational Pluto in Capricorn, your tenth house of discipline and ambition. On this super-powered day, you could have a major influence on the professional front. Maybe a boss taps you to be a steadying force in a project. Or perhaps your leadership and inspirational qualities are showcased, even via a new position. Since the tenth house rules status, you may also attract a well-connected client or mentor, or a karmically aligned job opportunity. Open your thinking up, as anything can happen. The day’s events—whether a raise, job offer or recognition—could feel like a divinely served gift. 


In fact, this is a stellar day for reaching Oprah-like levels of fame in your field, where you're known as someone with formidable, world-shifting powers. Your manifesting abilities are strong, so make a direct request to the universe when you do your creative visualization. Picture yourself at the top of your game (accepting your industry’s version of an Oscar and corner office) but then add: “Show me this or something better!” The truth is, the cosmos can serve up career advancement that far exceeds your wildest dreams. Show a little humility, Aries. 


Mars in Gemini: Earn while you learn.

From May 11-June 24, energizer Mars is in Gemini, your thoughtful and communication-driven third house. You’re especially great at driving conversations to some innovative, creative and far-reaching places. Your mind is especially sharp and active now, and you could teach what you know or study to build your skillset on the side. (Check out these top-notch offerings of online higher-ed courses.)


Intense Mars in this zone will not be quiet—distractions can be everywhere. While your sphone may need to stay set to silent, you also crave variety. Under this influence, you might do your best work when you have to multitask, or at least, have a few irons in the fire. Having but ONE job could bore you, draining your energy. Keep your Moleskine or Evernote app handy for jotting down stray ideas. Feed yourself with narrative-driven news, stories and information. Even on a brisk lunch-hour walk, you may want to listen to an inspiring podcast or audio book. 


On May 14, the frenetic pace could come to a halt, as driven Mars in Gemini, your communicative third house, forms a tense opposition to restrictive Saturn in Sagittarius, your ninth house of freedom and expansion. Perhaps you find yourself wanting to write checks your enthusiastic, impulsive self can’t cash. Or, maybe you’re having a rose-colored glasses moment with a project or plan, only to have your optimism shattered. The mood is slightly schizophrenic, with one foot on the brakes and the other pumping the gas. Really, your maverick sign likes the latter vibe, but now you could be forced to pause. Think twice before playing the devil's advocate or forcing an agenda, because it could affect your long-term reputation and opportunities. You don't want to be known as the loose cannon, Ram. Take it easy, and stay grounded. 


Taurus new moon: New opportunity.

Show me the money! On May 17, the new moon in Taurus, your fiscally fit second house, offers you a page-turning moment in the areas of work and finances. Set a positive intention around building a more solid income stream and savings plan. New moons can take a half-year to manifest, so whatever you start on this date will crescendo between now and late October. You could make an appointment with a financial planner, to see if there are practical ways you can save, invest and allocate your earnings. Reach out to colleagues who might be able to get you a more lucrative gig or introduce you to helpful connections. Refresh your resume so it's ready if a stellar opportunity arises—and it could!


Mercury retrograde: Watch your words.

Say what? From May 18-June 11, clever Mercury turns retrograde (backward) in Gemini, your third house of communication. During this time, you need to be extra careful with your words. An argument with a coworker could escalate, even if it started with something small like leaving a coffee mug in the shared kitchen. Check and double check your emails before you dispatch them. Are you sending your top-secret information to the wrong person or hitting "reply all" on a confidential message meant for one specific person? With messenger Mercury wreaking havoc, it could happen, so leave nothing to chance. 


Nonetheless, you will still have the drive to express yourself, especially on May 30, when the Sun is conjunct Mercury in this same intellectual zone of your chart. Your words are well-chosen, but be careful—you could come across as arrogant or ego-tripping, particularly if you’re talking about yourself too much. It IS a great day to reflect, though, especially on your opinions and past experiences. Maybe you’ll take time to pen an introspective blog post, or spend some time journaling. For personal stories that connect to the larger world, check out Strangers, an excellent podcast on the inspiration of interconnectedness.


Sun enters Gemini: Back to basics. 

Levity returns on May 21, when the Sun enters Gemini, your third house of the mind. After a month of uber-practicality, you’re feeling in a lighter mood, ready to tell jokes, exchange ideas and just enjoy the pleasurable zing of a grand idea. Your storytelling powers could be especially captivating, so use your sign's natural orating gifts to win your audience over. Science proves that our brains respond to stories more than cold, hard facts, so use that to your advantage. You’ll be great in an important sales or marketing meeting (heeding the disclaimer about Mercury retrograde, of coruse). Your mental prowess helps you process information and make fast observations that serve you, especially, in brainstorming sessions, mediations and negotiations. 


On May 22, there’s an opposition between the Sun in Gemini, your cerebral third house, and disciplined Saturn in Sagittarius, your growth-oriented ninth house. Under this obstacle-laden influence, you could find that you have resistance from higher-ups, an authority figure, and even a legal channel. Instead of muscling ahead, accept the slowdowns as a sign from the universe: you need to put in more work or do things by the book. Put your ego in check, Aries, and roll up those sleeves. Like it or not, protocol matters. When it comes to success, maintaining your integrity is key. 


Neptune squares: Foggy thinking.

Not sure? Later in the month, slippery Neptune in Pisces, your twelfth house of hidden influences, will form two tricky squares (90-degree angles). It begins on May 25, when Neptune clashes with combative Mars, followed by a May 31 showdown with the strong-willed Sun. Both Mars and the Sun are in Gemini, your third house of intellect and common sense, so you're being pulled in two directions. Do you depend on your logic or your intuition? The truth is, Aries, you need both. Find ways to balance your left- and right-brained thinking at the end of May. Instead of trying to be decisive, learn to go with the flow. Accept that you may not know certain things right now (like, say, what your colleague is thinking or if you'll get that new position). Everything comes out in the wash, so don’t put pressure on yourself to get to the bottom of something that, maybe, you aren’t supposed to know right now. With clever Mercury retrograde, that’s all the more reason to hold off on coming to conclusions. Watch who you confide in at these Neptune squares. You could be susceptible to undermining types, who either try to outright deceive you or simply play you for a fool. Keep your radar up for "user-friendly" types who want to ride on your coattails.




Taurus time: Make good habits.

This month's planetary action in Taurus, your routine-oriented second house, is all about setting up new habits. Is it time to root into better fitness practices, Aries? The Sun is in Taurus until May 21; energizer Mars is here until May 11, and then there is a page-turning new moon in Taurus on May 17. The new moon is an excellent time to be more practical about your overall wellness goals. Have you scoped out classes that are offered at convenient times? Is it time to switch to a trainer who is pricier, yet closer to your house? Convenience is key when it comes to boosting your vitality. Having a set number of days you work out can also help you feel more grounded. Since the second house is sensual and posh, you may want to institute a monthly (even weekly) spa day. A salt scrub or a steam bath can really reset your sanity. 


Scorpio full moon: Detox time?

On May 3, the full moon in Scorpio, your eighth house of inside-out cleansing, brings an urge to purge. A cleanse or juice regimen could help you remove physical toxins, but, more importantly, it will get you in touch with your underlying emotions. When it comes to health, your feelings play a huge role. Around the full moon, give them their proper due, maybe even by scheduling a therapy session or an energetic healing with a trusted practitioner. It's time to get rid of resentment and anger, and no amount of kale juice is going to magically remove the ill will you harbor toward THAT person, Aries. Deal with it all, from the inside out. (For more on a holistic detox, check out The Tao of Detox by Daniel Reid.) 


Since the full moon forms a tight square to outspoken Jupiter in Leo, your reactionary fifth house, you may find that your inner child (or outer adult) throws an outright tantrum, (e.g. you don’t WANT to eat gluten free and nobody can make you!) Well, no one is trying to take away your carb-laden vices, or whatever you're craving. Don't cut out the decadence or try to go cold turkey. Moderation is key.


Venus in Cancer: Homefront harmony?

Sweet relief. From May 7-June 4, you’re in a chilled-out mood, thanks to magnetic Venus in Cancer, your fourth house of emotions and family. Take it easy. Don’t give more than you can, or pretend it’s totally cool to field yet another SOS call from a loved one. Now, your primary order of the day is self-care. Slip into cozy PJs and spend the evening lounging with a great book. Or maybe create a home spa sanctuary, using a DIY detox bath recipe. (We like these, especially the one with apple cider vinegar.) Bonding with your clan and close friends also brings you soul-nourishment. Invite pals over for a home-cooked meal, or trade your best recipes. 


On May 21, the harmonious vibe could come to a screeching halt as Venus forms a dicey opposition to deep-digging Pluto in Capricorn, your tenth house of fathers and men. An old issue with your dad could come up, perhaps linked to your feelings about protection, neglect or abandonment. You are in charge now, Aries, of everything—including your own healing. You could find that your raw honesty is a transformational factor in this relationship. Or, maybe you encounter power struggles with another family member, but finally decide to stop taking their actions so personally. Don’t cling so hard to your wounds, Aries. Remember that everyone is doing the best they can with what they've got.






Happy birthday season, and many happy (solar) returns! The Sun is heating up your sign until May 21. As el sol makes its annual rounds through Taurus, set your practical nature aside, and prioritize your passion. Okay, we know that you can’t depart from your dutiful ways entirely, Bull, but now is the time to put your own desires and big ideas front and center. The squeaky wheel gets the oil during this solar transit, so don’t be shy about self-promoting or sharing a passion project.


Not that you have to go it alone, Taurus. On May 3, the annual Scorpio full moon lights up your seventh house of partnerships, putting a key connection in the spotlight. Since full moons bring manifestations, a budding synergy could become official. Is it time to ink a joint venture, get engaged or somehow certify your dynamic duo status? Full moons can also mark turning points and transitions, so it’s possible that a relationship has reached the end of the road—and that this is your moment to make it “officially unofficial.”  Events may not be so black-and-white now, but one thing is clear: It’s time to invest some energy into your closest ties.


This full moon comes with a little curveball, as it will form an exact square to expansive Jupiter in your home and family section. Squares (90-degree angles) indicate two opposing forces that need to be reconciled. A partner may not sync up neatly with your family life (or you with theirs). You may need to make some adjustments to your living situation, or even to protect your security—signing a pre-nup, perhaps, or some kind of legal document to guard your personal assets. Don’t go charging headfirst into anything binding, even if you think you’ve found your kindred spirit. Your personal life—before this amazing soul twin came along—also has to be factored into the equation, and duly honored.


Don’t worry, restless Bull, you won’t be deliberating for long. On May 17, the annual Taurus new moon marks your personal new year, a great day to set intentions and turn a fresh page. New moons can take six months to completely unfold (everything comes together at the corresponding full moon), so between now and late October, your dreams could take flight. Set clear intentions today, focused around yourself and your personal visions.


But a warning: If you haven’t inked any official deals, you might want to wait. From May 18-June 11, communication planet Mercury will turn retrograde (backward) in Gemini, your second house of work and finance. Mercury does backstrokes three times a year, and everything under its jurisdiction can go haywire. Travel, technology and all things interpersonal could be turned upside down. Astrologers warn against signing contracts during this cycle—at least, not without triple-checking everything and poring over the fine print. (For more on Mercury retrograde, see our post at www.astrostyle.com/mercury-retrograde.)



The silver lining of Mercury retrograde is that it turns our attention to the past. It’s sort of like a quarterly review period. So as you press pause on new projects and ventures, this is an ideal time to review your budget, check your spending and savings habits, and to tweak your schedule. The second house rules daily routines, so make sure you’re spending your best hours on top-priority items. Scale back if you’ve gotten scattered, and choose quality over quantity. 


Since Taurus is the natural ruler of the zodiac’s second house, you’re in your element—and even more so on May 21, when the Sun begins a monthlong visit to Gemini and this get-‘er-done corner of your chart. Roll up your sleeves, Bull, and get busy building a rock-steady foundation for your grand plans. While you may need to do careful research during Mercury retrograde, you can still take some concrete action steps. And don’t forget to pause and smell the roses (or the Bulgarian rose artisanal perfume). The second house rules luxury, so let your refined sensibilities lead the way. Indulge in a few decadent and sensual experiences. With all the hard work you’ll also be doing, there’s no question: You deserve it, Taurus!




Scorpio full moon: Partner up!

Bring on the dynamic duos—or cue the breakup songs. On May 3, a Scorpio full moon puts its floodlights directly on your committed relationships. Under this full moon, there’s no time for wishy-washiness. You’re either in or you’re out. Someone could put a ring on it, or you might decide to get exclusive with one special person. If you’ve been dragging your hooves around calling off an expired connection (hoping the other person would do it first, or letting love wither on the vine), this full moon pushes you off the fence.


Single Bulls will want to be proactive about meeting someone with long-term potential, because the full moon is here to help! You’ve got to work WITH the cosmos, though. Don’t go to your favorite pickup spots and wonder why you only meet players (yes, even at the places with velvet-rope access). You might need to drop your defenses a bit, too. Your sign tends to be suspicious, and not one to suffer fools. While it’s great to make people earn your trust, if getting personal information out of you is harder than cracking Fort Knox, even the savviest suitors might eventually give up. There’s a difference between having high standards and being high-maintenance, Taurus, so bear that in mind.


This full moon comes with a curveball—namely, it forms a tense square (90-degree angle) to expansive Jupiter in your fourth house of home and family. It’s possible that the person you choose is not take-home-to-mama material, or introduce-to-the-kids material, or someone you want to share with your inner circle for now. And you know what, Taurus? That’s 100 percent okay. Maybe you’re used to confiding every detail of your love life to family or close friends, but now, you’re not really in the mood for their judgments. Perhaps this is your cue to trust yourself and honor your own process. That’s why they call it a “private life” after all.


The square could also indicate that you’re a bit out-of-sync with a love interest or mate, particularly around commitment and emotional security. Maybe one of you is ready to move in together but the other isn’t, or you have family/personal obligations that clash with your desire to move forward. Setting up home base might be a challenge, perhaps because one of you has to travel. (If so, this NY Times piece argues that absence indeed makes the heart grow fonder). But being rooted IS important to the earthy Bull. Early this month, you might not be on the same page about where to live, or perhaps a breakup forces you to find a new address. Any feelings that you haven’t wanted to deal with WILL come up at the full moon, so don’t even bother doing the “stiff upper lip” routine. Letting yourself cry or asking for support could be wonderfully transformative, even if you hate the idea of being vulnerable.


Venus in Cancer: Let's talk about love.

Hello, I love you, won’t you tell me your name? Sparks could fly with a stranger—right in your own backyard—as Venus visits Cancer and your third house of local affairs from May 7-June 4. The planet of love has you feeling flirty and extra chatty, and small talk at the juice bar or in the latte line could lead to something more. No harm in trading digits (or a seductive smile) with the cutie who ordered the foamy, extra-hot java in front of you. If you’re looking for love, hit the street fairs, film openings and cultural events in your area, and ask your friends for introductions, too.


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