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九星批未来五年运 推广




今年天蝎的生日年将会是为可能是你生命中最好的年份所作的一个准备,从2017年10月10日开始,礼物和幸运的给予者木星将进入天蝎座,逗留将近13个月的时间。为了这个盛大的,闪耀的,绿宝石般天蝎座木星年成为你最好的年份之一,你需要精心得作准备 -- 所以,从现在开始。你的任务将会是去确定哪些生活元素给你快乐,并应该保留,而哪些安排或是关系需要终结。当然,你可能会决定保留大多数的,但是因为宇宙用新的甜头作为你的礼物,要考虑为此腾出空间,或者冒险错过几个珍贵的机会将很可能在2018年11月开始追随你。

当这阶段结束,你有更多的富裕好时光去展望未来,由于2月26日的日食可能为重要的恋爱事件打开大门。这将会是最后在处女-双鱼座轴的食相,首次开始于2015年3月,从那时起至今,每6个月经过一次。本文转自星座运势网。食相的任务就是让你勇往直前,它借由从外部世界发送一个随机事件完成的 -- 这种事件是你无法控制的,并将激发你去把你的生活区分优先次序。你会被要求去考虑什么是你特别愿意在一段亲密的恋爱关系中看见的。一个食相是宇宙用来创造进步最戏剧化的工具。

如果你是有伴的,2月26日的食相应该给你的生活带来更多的乐趣 -- 在未来的几周和几个月里,你们可能有更多的时间来陪伴彼此。无论如何原因,这应该是时候来庆祝和感受快乐!

考虑去度一个极好的假期,从6月4日到7月20日,火星在这2年中第1次造访你的长途旅行宫。这可能是个理想的时间去参观令人激动的,充满异国情调的景点。在那段时期7月9日的巨蟹座新月降临,会为你冲破藩篱激起更多的理由,所以去尽情享乐吧!最开心的,可能选择一处近水的地方, 一个在巨蟹新月正低声呢喃着那个想法。




Happy Birthday, Scorpio!

Susan Miller




This birthday year will be one of preparation for what could be the finest year of your life, starting October 10, 2017, when Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, will enter Scorpio for a near 13-month period. For this grand, sparkling, emerald year of Jupiter in Scorpio to be one of your best years, you need to carefully prepare for it—so begin now. Your task will be to determine which life elements give you joy and should remain and which arrangements or relationships need to end. Of course, you may decide to keep most, but consider making space for the new goodies the universe has for you or risk missing several golden opportunities that will likely start to flow to you in November 2018.


For outstanding love, you have an enchanting period coming up that starts December 19, 2016 and goes through February 28, 2017, ensuring happy year-end festivities as well as a banner Valentine’s Day.


When that period ends, you have more good times to look forward to, thanks to the solar eclipse February 26, which may open the door to important romantic episodes. This will be the last eclipse in the Virgo-Pisces family of signs that first started in March 2015 and came by every six months ever since. The job of an eclipse is to get you moving forward, and it does that by sending a random event from the outside world—one that is beyond your control and will motivate you to prioritize your life. You could be asked to think about what, specifically, you would like to see in a close romantic relationship. An eclipse is the most dramatic tool that the universe uses to create progress.


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This eclipse, February 26 comes conjunct Neptune, a highly romantic and glamorous vibration that you should enjoy. If you meet someone who captivates you within two weeks of this eclipse, go slowly into the relationship, because you may become so excited about future possibilities with this person that you may move too fast, and assume too much. Instead, move gradually, and savor the beginnings of courtship.


If you are in a relationship but not happy, you may need to think about how you can improve it. This eclipse will likely focus on new romantic opportunities that might be coming your way.


If you are attached, the February 26 eclipse should bring more fun to your life—you might have more time for each other in the coming weeks and months. Whatever the reason, this should be a time for celebration and to feel joyous!


If you have been dating someone for a long time but the relationship has been stagnating, the eclipse may give you a reason to consider moving your relationship to a new level.


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Until an eclipse comes by, it’s easy to ignore these pressing life questions, but at eclipse time, you will be asked to decide your priorities. The motivation to create a timetable could be triggered by another event going on in your life or in the world at the very same time. Life goes on, but we often don’t stop to see how much we’ve grown and matured. At eclipse time, the evolution becomes obvious, and we get a chance to “catch up” and see ourselves in a new light. This eclipse will be especially powerful if your birthday falls on or within four days of October 26.


Consider taking a glorious vacation from June 4 to July 20, when Mars will tour your long-distance travel house for the first time in two years. This might be the ideal time to visit an exciting, exotic location. The new moon in Cancer on July 9 falls within that period and could set off even more reasons for you to break free, so go and enjoy yourself! Possibly choose a place near water for the most fun—a new moon in Cancer is whispering that idea.


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From the end of July through September 5, you could see your career take off like a firecracker. Indeed, the eclipse of August 21 in Leo might bring a fabulous professional opportunity that could allow you to elevate your status in your industry. It seems your career has no limit to how high it can go, and you should see the truth of this again when more eclipses come by to touch your career sector in 2018.


In terms of your residence, you may make changes on the earlier eclipse, in Aquarius, August 7. It’s a time you might want to upgrade your lifestyle by moving, buying new furniture, or having your property landscaped. You can use this home-oriented energy in other ways, such as to find a new roommate, paint, renovate, make needed repairs, and so forth.


As you can see, you have a glorious year ahead, dear Scorpio, filled with the anticipation of even more exciting developments to come in your next birthday year in 2018, too!


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