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九星批未来五年运 推广



陋译版(求覆盖) 处女

2016.8 - -2017.8

海王星在9月16日这个食相将突出,海王星, 双鱼座的主星。双鱼座象征着绑在一起但向相反方向游泳的两条鱼,所以这个食相可能或者带来迷惑或欺骗浮出表面,或者正好相反, 灵感填补来显示巨大的创造力,或者,伟大的爱的感觉。海王星是更高八阶的金星,比金星带来更大程度的亲密。你可能会感到深深的爱在这个满月,9月16日。同时,火星会与天王星(代表意外的星)形成一个漂亮的角度,因此打赌你将会非常满意这次日食的令人惊讶的结果。
你会有更多食相在2016 - 2017年双鱼-处女系列的日食中,一个太阳双鱼座新月将于2月26日到达,可能会重新关注亲密关系。这个太阴月(两次新月之间的时间)将打开一个新的大道,所以你可能会制订与一个合作伙伴的生活计划。仔细看前面9月16日出现的话题 ,这些相同讨论可能推到了一个新的高度在2月26日,2017年。这时,火星在白羊座将再次活跃,连结天王星,所以你永远不会预料到的原理可能会突然地出现。2月26日应该不是激动的一刻,因为这是一个新月食相而不是一个满月,但无论如何,这个消息可能会很令人高兴。


Happy Birthday, Virgo!



Susan Miller


August 31, 2016


The year 2016 was an exciting year, for you were favored above all others by the good fortune planet, Jupiter, in Virgo from August 11, 2015 to September 9, 2016. During that nearly 13-month period, you were given a rare opportunity to advance one or more dreams that are dear to you. Generous Jupiter was in Virgo for the first time in 12 years, so last year you started a new 12-year cycle. You might have found the past months to be glorious, with much support for your goals from friends, family, business contacts, and other influential people. In that special year, you may have experienced a rise in confidence and optimism, and you likely achieved plenty of personal growth.


Now you will enter the second gestation of this important new cycle, one that could help you see a dream materialize, and possibly bring your best financial year in over a decade. The reward you could receive in the autumn of 2016 and through the lion’s share of 2017 may be directly related to projects you seeded from August 2015 to September 2016, the period good fortune Jupiter spent in Virgo. This year — this month — on September 9 Jupiter will enter Libra and may set off the fabulous trend for you, and your good fortune could last a year. This is especially good news, for as a Virgo, you may have faced financial surprises that might have unnerved you. This year, you could see far more ups than downs!


Jupiter generally requires a little time to settle into a new house of the horoscope, but you may see immediate news, for the time when Jupiter aligns with the Sun on September 25 and 26 — the two luckiest day of the year — will likely be an especially bright time for you. Everyone of every sign should love this period, and each sign will experience Jupiter’s benefits of that conjunction differently.



Just after those two wonder days appear on September 25 and 26, you will encounter the year’s finest new moon, September 30. It will fall in Libra, and like all new moons, open a path. Again, financial opportunity may arise, and it will be up to you to accept the offers that have the greatest potential and that make you happiest.


Your career will move along smoothly, although late 2016 and most of 2017 will be more about improving finances. The two times when you have activity in your solar tenth house of fame and honors will be at the full moon December 13 this year, and at the new moon May 25, 2017. At both points in your timeline, life will be about much more than money, and as a Virgo, you tend to factor in many elements when making a choice.


Specifically, if you were to get an offer at or near the full moon December 13, you might find that you are torn between trying to handle the responsibilities at home and those at work. Home and family seem to be important considerations for you when making decisions during 2016 and 2017.


Later, on the May 25 new moon, with Saturn opposed to Mars, again you may find yourself in a quandary about whether you want to take on extra responsibility, for you may be juggling a lot. Only you can decide. In either case, you could be generously rewarded.


The year’s eclipses — always an indicator of dramatic change — will fall in your own sign, Virgo and in your opposite sign of Pisces, on September 1 and 16, 2016 respectively. This indicates that 2017 could be a big year for you. The September 1 eclipse will be especially important for you — the Virgo constellation will be ablaze with friendly planets in your sign — Mercury, Jupiter, along with the Sun, new moon in Virgo. Pluto, the planet of transformation, orbiting in Capricorn, will be friendly. Pluto could help you reinvent yourself in an exciting way. It won’t take long for you to see positive changes taking place in your life. Mercury, your ruler, will be conjunct Jupiter, so the outcome is almost certain to be upbeat.


If your birthday falls within five days of September 1, this eclipse will reveal a landmark moment and could open thrilling new doors for you.

The second eclipse will occur on September 16 and may affect your closest relationship. (By this time, Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, will have moved into your financial house.) This is a lunar eclipse, which is, by definition, always a full moon, so something regarding a close partner may crystallize.


You may be getting engaged or married within days of this eclipse. If you are already married, news from your spouse may, at the very least, create change. If marriage is not in your plans, you may officially take on a new collaborator. Full moons bring things to a crest, and how things will go depends on your relationship.


Neptune will be prominent at this eclipse, September 16, and Neptune, which rules Pisces. Pisces is symbolized by the two fish tied together but swimming in opposite directions, so this eclipse can either bring confusion or a deception to the surface, or just the opposite, fill you with the inspiration to display enormous creativity, or alternatively, feelings of great love. Neptune is considered the higher octave of Venus, bringing love to a far greater level of closeness than Venus. You may feel so deeply in love at this full moon, September 16. At the same time, Mars will be beautifully angled to Uranus, planet of unanticipated events, so it seems a good bet that you will be very pleased with the surprising outcome of this eclipse.



You will have one more eclipse in the Pisces-Virgo series of eclipses that we have in 2016–2017, and that one will arrive on February 26 as a solar new moon eclipse in Pisces and will likely renew the spotlight on a close relationship. This lunation will open a new path, so you may be making a life’s plan with a partner. Watch carefully the topics that come up earlier, on September 16, for those same discussions could be advanced to a new level on February 26, 2017. This time, Mars will again be active in Aries, and conjoin Uranus, so elements that you never expected are likely to come up out of the blue. February 26 should not be an emotional moment because this is a new moon eclipse, not a full moon, but nevertheless, the news will likely be quite exciting.


Now let’s turn to your home and family conditions. Saturn will reside in your fourth house of home in 2017, a place it has occupied since December 2014 (with only a small break from this trend from June 14 to September 17, 2016, when Saturn retrograded back into Scorpio for 13 weeks). Try to get all your home and family-related actions set by September 27, the date that Mars will leave his energetic brilliance from your home sector. In September, Mars will likely offer you all the right conditions you will need to enthusiastically make choices and move forward.


If you would like to wait until year’s end to tackle home-related plans, you can do so quite productively as soon as the new moon in Sagittarius appears November 29, which is set to light your home sector. This new moon will be favorable for almost any home-related initiative.


If working on your home space is not on your agenda, you might kick off a flurry of stylish entertaining or hosting guests to stay with you for a number of joyous days. This will be a favorable new moon, so to make the most of it, get started on your plan within days after that new moon of November 30 appears.


Now let’s turn to matters of love. If you are single, Mars could make the period from September 27 to November 9 quite enchanting. You may be a bit surprised when you begin turning heads and receiving so much special attention at gatherings. If you are attached, you too will enjoy this happy period as well. This won’t be the end of your golden romantic vibrations — the new moon December 30 will come just in time to possibly set off a dazzling New Year’s Eve for you and the one you love. That new moon on December 30 will likely rev up your January social life and give you a chance to step out and enjoy life after the holidays.


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