时间:2015-11-23 12:20 阅读:1048 点赞:0 收藏 分享

九星批未来五年运 推广






自从2015年6月14日【土星】进入射手宫, “责任”二字的重量越来越大. 到目前为止, 你更多地都是在扎根并稳定你的生活, 而你做得正是时候. 曾经那些”臣妾做不到啊”的目标现在都更容易上手去实现了. 因为土星掌管”时间”概念, 所以你比过去的自己更加珍惜时间, 并更热切地希望每一分每一秒都用在了刀刃上. 回望过去, 你就会看到在过去几年中的那些目标跟现在的宏图大业一比简直小的可怜, 而要在这堆大业里找出需要优先实现的重要事项也许就是你现在正在做的事情. 
你目前正在经历的星象---- 土星换座, 是为了让你明白你比自己想的要强大得多. 土星的教学方法就是命令你---- 相比温和的谆谆教导, 它更偏向于棍棒成才---- 所以你如果决定往东了, 就不要三心二意地往东南跑. 土星被称为”监工”可不是白叫的, 它才不会对你手下留情呢; 好在你的努力多多少少都会得到回报. 比一心一意做事更重要的是, 你在土星坐镇期间完成的目标很可能成为你一生之中最为骄傲的成就, 它们将极大地有利于打下你整个人生的基础. 
你可能要确立至少一个新的主要目标, 以便在来年全身心地投入其中. 在土星换座期间的决定可能出现在以下几个方面: 重回高校、创业、搬家或移民. 上述目标并不是全部, 你完全可以有其他的一些雄心壮志! 
你将为一些新计划主动付出努力, 因为土星并不会替你做决定, 更不会逼你做你不喜欢的事情. 虽然需要经历一场艰苦奋斗, 但是你会决定要实现这个梦想---- 毕竟长期收益是很诱人的. 土星不会在半路就让你尝甜头, 要等它在射手宫待够了准备离开的时候 (2017年12月), 你才能收获丰厚回报. 土星坐镇之时, 你会忙忙碌碌甚至疲惫不堪, 所以一定要通过规律、营养的饮食和充足的睡眠来保障自己的健康. 
土星换座是很罕见的: 1985年11月~1988年11月, 土星就没进过射手宫的大门. 它要花将近29年才能围着太阳跑完黄道十二宫全程, 这就是为什么星象师说一个人要到29岁才算成熟. 

现在, 我们要谈另一个重要话题了, 这会涉及到另一个行星: 你的主命星---- 【木星】. 木星最近进入了处女宫, 点亮了你星图的天顶位置, 也就是你掌管荣誉、奖励、成就、名声的第十宫. 接下来的一年将成为你事业上的黄金时段, 一直到2016年9月9日才会结束. 
事业上的好消息很可能在8月22日到来---- 那时候慷慨的木星将与掌管行业的水星连珠. 你也要关注金木连珠的8月27日, 这是你积累的专业技能终于能得以运用并一飞冲天的时刻. 
如果你理所当然地觉得好运木星从此将无时不刻地帮助你, 你可快醒醒吧! 接下来一年, 木星是自2003年中~2004年中以来, 第一次造访你宏图大业的成就区域. 这意味着2016年会是你在行业中名声大噪的绝佳机会. 你现在到2016年9月初种下的种子, 将开启一场为期十二年的旅程, 并在十年甚至更久时间之后为你带来收益. 
凡是木星看上的事物都将呈现扩张成长的趋势, 在这种情况下, 职业机会将通过不同的渠道来敲门---- 很可能一个比一个好. 了解你的工作的人也许会送你一些大力助攻, 你还可能遇上有权有势的贵人. 
明年, 眼光要远、胃口要大! 有了木星助阵, 你在事业上想走多远就能走多远. 这一路上有很多职业机遇你都想要---- 因为它们看起来都很肥美---- 但是你千万不要太贪心而分散精力. 三思而后选, 你就能专注于选中的机遇, 并目睹事业的成长与发展. 

如果你作为一只单身狗已经在跟其他单身狗约会(译: 但没有确定名分) 的话, 明年的春夏两季你会回顾并评估你们俩的关系. 【火星】将于2016年4月17日~6月29日逆行. 因为火星主管你的爱情星位, 它将要求你审视自己的情感关系. 从3月到8月底, 火星会越跑越慢, 所以不能正常发挥它的能力. 在接下来的一年, 它将在天蝎宫和射手宫逆行---- 大部分时间还是在射手宫---- 你将直接受到这股能量的冲击. 也就是说, 如果你觉得你的感情生活没有如你所愿地前进, 你就会考虑或快或慢地调整前进的步伐. 
如果你已经名花/草有主, 你的感情生活将依然温暖、稳定. 火逆的负能量将作用于你的孩子, 还可能影响你在他们的教育和行为上的决策. 
大射手由火星掌管的第五宫也管理创造力, 如果你是一名艺术家或者设计师, 或者如果你从事创造领域的工作, 你可能需要在4月到8月22日之间对客户的项目作出修正和调整. 火星是一颗能在竞争中让你抢占先机的行星; 当你的大日子到来的时候, 你会想要它强势、靠谱地帮你一把的. 

【金星】从现在到明年11月将两次拜访射手宫. 哇噢! 第一次将发生于2015年12月30日~2016年1月23日, 第二次则会在2016年10月18日~11月12日. 当金星位于射手宫的时候就是你闪亮的时刻, 你的吸引力将是致命的. 这两个时段也是你形象大改造、添购新衣新首饰的理想时期. 金星会确保你收获无数赞美. 

等礼物和好运的馈赠者---- 【木星】进入天秤宫, 对你事业的关注度将会下降, 而你的社交生活将会活跃起来. 这种新趋势将随土星于2016年9月9日~2017年10月10日在天秤宫坐镇而一直持续不变. 你会极大地扩充你的朋友圈子和社交范围. 这将是一个刺激带劲的时段, 你认识的新朋友将带你领略不同的乐趣. 你将接到不少重大活动的邀请. 如果你在这十一个月恰好单身, 你很可能遇到一个”一起看雪, 携手白头”的伴侣. 
你最开心的日子可能是2016年9月24日~25日的那个周末. 那时候土日连珠将形成一个极佳的角度, 并成就我心目中的年度幸运日. 

就跟你看到的一样, 接下来的一年你坐拥推进事业的好机会、能找到真爱或者深化你跟身边男/女神的感情、会结交新朋友、将着手能为你的人生打下坚实基础的新梦想, 简直带劲得飞起! 你的大好运势都惹得其他星座宝宝羡慕嫉妒恨了, 所以去努力吧, 亲爱的大射手---- 你的时代到了!



Horoscope: Happy Birthday, Sagittarius



Susan Miller



Ever since Saturn entered Sagittarius on June 14, 2015, responsibilities have begun to mount. By now, you may be more focused on setting down roots and stabilizing your life, and your timing could not be better. Goals that once seemed beyond your reach and ability to handle should be easier to take on now. You may value time much more than you have in the past, for Saturn rules the concept of time, and you will be eager to make sure yours counts. Looking back, you will see that in previous years, your goals were likely small compared to the ones you are handling now, and the business of prioritizing what is truly important might be an ongoing process.

A Saturn transit, like the one you are having now, is meant to show that you have more strength within you than you ever imagined possible. Saturn’s method of teaching is demanding—more “tough love” than gentle guidance—so you may be expected to concentrate on your goals without distraction. Saturn, often called the taskmaster planet, would expect no less. Yet all the hard work you put into your goals should pay off. What’s even more important is that all your accomplishments during a Saturn period could be those that you are proudest of in your life, and they could help form the very foundation of your life.

You may be asked to choose at least one major new goal to devote yourself to in the coming year. Several goals you might decide to take on during a Saturn transit could be going back to college, starting a business or moving. This is not a complete list by any means, and you may think of another goal you’d like to tackle!


You will get to volunteer for this new goal, as Saturn will not choose for you or force you to do anything you don’t want to do. You will choose to pursue this dream despite the hard work you will have to put in because the long-term benefits of achieving that goal will be considerable. Saturn never sends rewards during his teaching period but typically heaps rewards later when Saturn ends his visit to Sagittarius, which will happen in December 2017. Saturn periods are busy, sometimes even exhausting, so remember to keep your health strong by having regular, nutritious meals and enough sleep.

A Saturn transit is rare. Saturn has not been in Sagittarius since the period from November 1985 to November 1988. Saturn takes nearly 29 years to revolve around the Sun and through every house of the horoscope—the reason astrologers say a person is not mature until 29 years of age.

Now, let’s turn to another major trend, brought on by another planet: your guardian planet, Jupiter. Jupiter recently moved in Virgo, lighting the very pinnacle point of your chart, your tenth house of honors, awards, achievement and fame. This coming year should be absolutely fantastic for your career, and this period will extend to September 9, 2016.


For good news about your career, one day that you should pay special attention to is August 22—when generous Jupiter will conjoin Mercury, the ruler of your professional sector. Also watch August 27, when Venus will align with Jupiter, another day when your professional stock is likely to shoot sky high.

In case you are assuming you are about to see commonplace assistance from good-fortune planet Jupiter, it’s not at all commonplace! The coming year will be the first time Jupiter has visited your prestigious career achievement sector since mid-2003 to mid-2004. This means you will have an extraordinary opportunity in 2016 to make a name for yourself in your industry. The seeds you plant now through early September 2016, representing the start of a 12-year cycle, could pay dividends to you for the coming decade or longer.
Jupiter expands all it touches, and in this case, career opportunities will come to you from many sources, each one possibly better than the next. People who are familiar with your work may go out of their way to help you get ahead, and you might also meet new influential people who could work to your benefit.

During the coming year, think big. With Jupiter’s help, there is no end to the professional gains you can make. As you go along, you may be tempted to agree to all the professional opportunities that are offered you, for they may be attractive, but to do so might stretch yourself too thin. Be choosy, and you will be able to focus on the opportunities you have decided to pursue and see them grow.

If you are single and dating, during this coming spring and summer, you may reassess the relationship you have with the person you’ve been seeing. Mars will retrograde from April 17 to June 29, 2016. Because Mars rules your love sector, Mars will ask you to review your relationship. Mars will begin to slow down its orbit as soon as March and not resume full strength until the very end of August. This coming year, Mars will retrograde in Scorpio and Sagittarius, spending most of the time in your sign, so you will feel this trend quite directly. This means if you have felt your romantic relationship has not been proceeding at the rate you would like, you might consider adjusting the pace.

If you are attached, your love life is likely to remain warm and steady. The waffling energy of Mars may apply to your children and could affect various decisions you might make regarding their education or activities.

The fifth house, governed by Mars for Sagittarius, also rules creativity, so if you are an artist or designer or if you work in any capacity in a creative field, you may need to make many project revisions for your clients from April through August 22. Mars is the planet that gives you the edge in any competitive situation; so you would want Mars to be in strong, sure orbit when your big day arrives.



Venus will glide in Sagittarius twice during your forecast period—wow! The first period will be December 30, 2015 through January 23, 2016, and the second period will be from October 18 to November 12, 2016. The periods when Venus is visiting Sagittarius are due to be glorious—and when your allure is likely to be very high. These are also ideal times to schedule a makeover or buy new clothes and accessories to add to your wardrobe. Venus will see to it that you garner many compliments.

Once Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, enters Libra, the emphasis on your career will tone down, and your social life will become very energized. This new trend will continue the entire time Jupiter remains in Libra, from September 9, 2016 to October 10, 2017. You could expand greatly your circle of friends and acquaintances. This will be a stimulating time, when the new people you befriend could expose you to new interests. You are likely to be invited to many fabulous events. If you are single during Jupiter’s 13-month tour of Libra, this could be one of your best times for finding a partner who could bring you the lasting love you seek.

Your happiest days may occur over the weekend of September 24-25, 2016, when Jupiter will conjunct the Sun—an aspect I call the luckiest day of the year.

As you see, you have a very exciting year ahead, one filled with opportunities to advance your career, to find love or deepen the love you have found, to make new friends and to tackle new goals that will eventually form the sturdy foundation of your life. You have an enviable forecast, so get busy, dear Sagittarius—this is your time!


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