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九星批未来五年运 推广


这个跟我们网站里面的所谓 13-14跨年运 类型是一样的 

说白了 就是轮到那个寿星老 就给他预测一下
放到苏珊年运版块里 以后每个生日月更新一次

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天秤的守护星是金星,这就能够解释为什么天秤如此看重优雅、 高贵、爱干净、举止优雅、热爱艺术、文化、优雅和美好。 过去这几年,你看到了人生一点都不柔软优雅的一面,对秤而言,一直身处一连串的艰难星相之下,这一切可以追溯到2009年7月。 

从2009年10月——2012年10月,土星给你上了一堂严肃艰难的人生课程。2013年10月开始一连串白羊—天秤家庭轴食相时,秤星人几乎还没有完成土星课程,这个食相系列几乎没6个月上演一次 —秤星人的食相季基本到2016年3月就会彻底结束了。从2011年3月开始,天王一直对冲天秤,这一对冲将继续持续几年,不过并不影响所有秤星人—大部分秤星人已经付了学费。 


现在,秤星人站在2016年的门槛上:更为精干、强壮、拥有强大权威的光环的2016年。接下来的岁月,你可以用到此前学到的一切, 有了这些经验,你的人生将会更好。你的期待将更为实际, 决心得到强化。 

喜欢送礼物和幸运的木星现在在秤的12宫(掌管幕后的宫位), 意味着那些有影响力的人可能会离开自己的轨迹,看着你走在前面。很多时候,你可能并不知道他们其实是在帮你,因为他们可能还是想保持匿名。12宫也掌管精神和肉体健康和治愈的宫位。 

2016年9月9号(并一直待到2017年10月10号),木星从处女移位到天秤时,你将回归自我。2004年10月到2005年10月,木星并没有给予你宇宙的最好礼物,所以,16年的这个时期可能成为非常重要和欢愉的时期。你应该明智的把16年的前8个月用来思索接下来希望自己的人生发生什么, 这样你才能具体实现。这段准备期,你会删除点那些自己年轻时曾经迷恋的一部分。如果你不能完成这个必须的清理过程,宇宙就会出手帮你完成——信任宇宙的智慧。 


因为木星旨在扩展你的视野,所以,可能你至少会去一个国外让人兴奋的城市。健康上会更强壮,也会更乐观。 会发现自己在恰当的时间、恰当的地点把握住了某个让人炫目的工作机会,此工作机会将为你赶超走在前列带来加分。 

谈到爱情,如果你单着,可能这会是过去十年中找到爱情的最佳年份,有12个月的时间来发掘那个人 。牢记:这一时期从2016年9月开始。如果你正在跟某人约会,慢慢的进入新爱情关系——包括工作伙伴关系。如果你的生日在10月12-22号之间,更要如此,因为正在并将持续对冲天秤。你最开始对伴侣的假设判断可能是不正确的。随着时间的展开,你会开始有所保留自己的心。这个时间段将在2019年结束,这可是一生一次的事,在你的有生之年将不再。 

同时,因为宇宙的引导,你会学着成为具有良好评价能力的人。 守护星金星去年发生逆行,不过,从现在开始,会变强大,因此,秤在今年将不会在受困扰于爱情和各种关系上的延迟和混沌。 

土星将移动到秤的第3宫,将教导秤星人以新的方式说、写、交流。土星是坚持不懈的导师,会要求你投入全部的注意力来提高自己的技能,不过,有土星伴你左右时你学到的一切将永远陪伴着你。交流方式将变得犀利,也更为有效。如果你从事销售、公共关系、社交媒体、市场或通信行业,也会有所助益。这是温和的、为期3年的阶段, 你会非常享受,因为土星将待在火相射手,会与你的风相星座很好的融合,因此,你能够轻松、自愿的接受土星的调教。第3宫也掌管兄弟姐妹,因此,可能你需要对兄弟姐妹格外关注。 





Horoscope: Happy Birthday Libra! 

Susan Miller 


As a Libra, your guardian planet is Venus, which explains why you so deeply prize grace, refinement, cleanliness, polished manners, art and culture, refinement and beauty. Yet over the past few years, you have seen a side of life that was anything but soft and refined, for you were under a barrage of difficult planetary aspects going back as far as July 2009. 
From October 2009 to October 2012, Saturn came by to teach you tough life lessons. You were barely done with Saturn when an extreme family of eclipses started up in Aries-Libra from October 2013, arriving every six months—your eclipses are due to finish with the last, March 2016. Uranus has opposed your Sun since March 2011, and that trend will continue for several more years, but not for all Libras—most have paid their dues. 
During these periods, you learned that occasionally life can be unfair—always a shocking discovery for the sign symbolized by the scales of justice—and that life is not always calm and soft, but more often a difficult process of learning through trial and error. Think back to where you were prior to October 2009 and how far you’ve come in maturity and wisdom since then. Be proud! 
You now stand on the threshold of 2016 leaner, stronger and with an aura of powerful authority. You can use all that you learned in coming years, and your life will be far better for having gone through those experiences. Your expectations are more realistic, and your resolve has been strengthened. 
Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, is now in your twelfth house of behind-the-scenes, indicating that influential people are likely to go out of their way to see you get ahead. At times you may not know they are helping you, as they may want to remain anonymous. The twelfth house is also one of psychological and physical heath and healing. 
You come into your own when Jupiter moves from Virgo to Libra on September 9, 2016 to stay until October 10, 2017. Jupiter has not crowned you celestial favorite since October 2004 to October 2005, so this may be a very important and joyous period for you. You would be wise to spend the first eight months of 2016 to reflect on what you hope will happen next in your life so that you can manifest it. During that preparation period, you will begin to delete parts of your life that no longer hold the fascination they once did for you when you were younger. If you don’t do the necessary process of elimination, the universe will do it for you—trust in the wisdom of the universe. 
Don’t be concerned if certain parts of life begin to be taken out with the tide from now until September 2016—you need to make room for all the goodies the universe holds for you. The universe will leave what is relevant and take only what is outworn and no longer of future importance to you. When Jupiter moves into Libra, it will mark one of the finest, most enchanting years of your life, and it will make up for so much that you have endured in past years. 
You may travel overseas to at least one exciting city, for Jupiter will want to expand your horizons. Your health is likely to become stronger, and you will be more optimistic. You could find yourself at the right place at the right time to take advantage of dazzling career opportunities, which will be a big plus to getting ahead. 
In matters of love, if you are single you may have your very best year in over a decade to find true love, and you’ll have 12 months to discover this person. Keep in mind this trend starts September 9, 2016. If you are dating, enter into any new relationship slowly—this includes business partnerships. This will be especially true if your birthday falls from October 12-22, for Uranus is, and will continue to be, opposed to your Sun. What you first assume to be true about your partner may not be accurate. By going slowly, you will protect your heart. This is a once-in-a-lifetime aspect that will leave 2019, never to return in your lifetime. 
In the meantime, you will learn to be a fine judge of character, for the universe is tutoring you in this area. Venus, your ruler, was retrograde last year but will be strong from now on, so you won’t be as frustrated by delays and mix-ups in matters of love and relationships this year. 
Saturn will tour your third house and will teach you to write, speak, edit or communicate in a new way, in a new venue. Saturn can be an insistent teacher and will demand almost all of your attention to improve your new skills, but what you learn while you have Saturn near will stay with you forever. Your communication style will sharpen and become more effective. If you work in sales, public relations, social media, marketing or telecommunications, you are likely to benefit, too. This is a gentle, three-year trend that you may enjoy very much because Saturn will be in fire-sign Sagittarius, that will blend well with your air-sign Sun sign, Libra, so you will absorb the teachings of Saturn easily and willingly. The third house also rules siblings, so you may need to pay special attention to any of your siblings. 
Finally, financially you might see a strong uptick. You have had Saturn holding down your income while in Scorpio, from October 2012 to September 17, 2015. Saturn has left Scorpio and will not return until 2041, decades from now. Your outlook for prosperity could not be better. 
On just about every level, life should improve for you, just wait and see!


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