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Horoscope: Happy Birthday Gemini!

MAY 21, 2015

Susan Miller



D G F 

So far this past year, it is likely you have seen several instances where your powerful talents in communication were lauded and rewarded. You were learning to spread your wings and apply your talents in new ways. If this has not happened yet, you still have time to move down a new path because Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, remains shining in your house of communication until August 11.


After that, it will be time to turn to your personal life, an area you may have neglected while focusing on other areas of your life. When Jupiter tours Virgo for 13 months, August 11, 2015 to September 9, 2016, you will have an unprecedented chance to make your home the cozy, inviting space you have always dreamed it to be. This will be the first time since late August 2003 to September 2004 that you’ve had Jupiter’s energizing effect to help you.


You might decide to move, but that’s not the only way to benefit from the stunningly golden vibrations coming your way. You can choose whether to work on a grand or small level regarding your living situation. You might decide to renovate, paint, reorganize, or remove clutter; do massive repairs; or buy new furniture or appliances. You may find you have quite a flair for making your space reflect the real you in the coming birthday year. You might not have a good chance to find home-related luck on this level again until 2027. Imagine what you’d like to do, and if necessary, take baby steps to make it happen. Start by collecting information and estimates.


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Valentino golden Gemini zodiac earrings and necklace, Rebecca Minkoff birthday zodiac suede slipper, Stephen Webster double-skull cuff links, Ippolita Gemini sterling silver charm and Le Metier de Beaute Limited Edition Gemini Kiss Split lip kaleidoscope, avilable at neimanmarcus.com


On another note, many Gemini have been addressing health matters, and that’s because Saturn, the taskmaster planet has been advising you over the past two years in a rare tour (not seen since November 1982 through November 1985) to take better care of yourself. You will now be intensely urged by Saturn to nurture yourself midyear, from June 14 to September 17. With the probability of increased assignments, it is likely to be a busy summer.


Saturn will move on to Sagittarius and your seventh house of marriage and partnerships from September 17, 2015 to December 19, 2017. This is a time you might decide to work in earnest on blending your energies and talents most effectively with your new or ongoing partner, whether it be in love, marriage or a serious, committed business partnership. Although this task is not always easy, you will likely take a serious attitude toward this union, increasing its potential for success.


During this time you will decide what you expect to receive from a partner and what you will be willing to give in return. Joining forces with another often allows for a result that is bigger than the sum of the parts, although each party must live up to promises and obligations and be equally determined to make a success of the relationship. The seriousness you appear to be bringing to this relationship in 2015-2016 shows every possibility for a strong union and the right step to take.


If you have been in a committed relationship, you might find that your current one falls short when Saturn comes by to test the strength of the relationship. There is no predestination in astrology—you can decide if you want to work on your union to make it better or abandon it altogether if you have already given all you have to give. This birthday year, you will find out one way or another just how strong your union happens to be.


Now let’s turn to a key time of the coming year for you to institute new ventures, projects, personal goals, and relationships. Mars will enter Gemini this year for the first time in two years and stay with you from May 11 to June 24, 2015. This is likely to be a very vibrant and important time for you.


On August 7, your ruling planet, Mercury, will conjoin Jupiter, which could be a good day for you to be involved with any type of communication, telecommunications, transportation, and travel. This is a special day—use it. The following year, the same aspect will occur on August 22, 2016 in your house of home, possibly a perfect day to work on home-related goals.


Each year the sun meets with Jupiter, and together they form what I call the luckiest day of the year. This year it comes up quickly after your birthday, on August 26, when the sun and Jupiter will meet in your home sector, so home and family aims could bring exceptionally good fortune.


Now let’s turn to your looks. This year Venus will retrograde from July 25 to September 6, which rules out radical changes. Instead, your best moments to make significant changes will be when Venus will be in Libra, an air sign that blends beautifully with your sign, from November 8 to December 6, 2015. Next, note the period in 2016, while Venus is in Aquarius from February 17 to March 12 and the best of the best, when Venus will be in Gemini from May 24, 2016 to June 17, 2016. These will also be dates when you will be your most magnetic and when you are likely to make changes to improve your presentation to the world. Mercury will not be retrograde during those periods.


The date July 1, 2015 brings Venus conjunct Jupiter—it may be a highly romantic, highly lyrical date. It is also the date of a full moon, which is likely to heighten feelings. If you are single, your chance of meeting someone new is strong. This weekend falls over the Fourth of July holiday. Since both Venus and Jupiter will meet in Leo in your short-distance travel sector, consider taking a trip with your one and only to a bright, sunny setting for a few days.


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