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九星批未来五年运 推广



这个跟我们网站里面的所谓 13-14跨年运 类型是一样的 

说白了 就是轮到那个寿星老 就给他预测一下
放到苏珊年运版块里 以后每个生日月更新一次

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(keke......累死哀家le .....) 
本年度可能是蟹子们的转折点, 旧日退居背景新篇章开启。过去的3年可能不易,因为URANUS 和PLUTO以及一系列的月食引致关于工作,家,或者亲近关系的调整以适应新状况。 
虽然你是感性的不喜欢变化同时发生,但是当状况发生时你总是能够跃起承担。抛开你所经历的困境,你证明了自己比他人所想,甚至比自己所想的更强。你拒绝被那些需要你快速转变的挑战击败,现在, 站在新生日年的入口的你,比以往更强更睿智。 

URANUS在白羊,所以你也许刚开启了自己的生意或者很快即将开启。在开动之前,要确保做好先前计划, 包括调研相关法律和法规。 蟹子是自我激励型的,常在具有创业精神的企业里做的很好。其他蟹子选择从上一代手中接管家族生意,也对现代化这些生意具有创意思维。URANUS, 在你的名誉宫10宫(直到2019), 也掌管慈善,人权,以及前瞻性的组织,所以你会发现自己被这些领域吸引。选择有很多,事实是太多而不能够一一道出,但是重点是你有一次高质量的机会去发现不仅一份适合你的工作,且找到支持你的力量 - 一份感召 - 你享受且愿意全身心的投入你自己。 

月食在白羊和天平的影响会持续在新的生日年也许改变你的家,家人,和居住环境以及你的事业。上一次月食是在4月4号,2015; 去年的2次分别是4月15和8月8日。 本系列月食的首次发生是在10月18日,2013。月食是最戏剧性的方式宇宙用来影响彻底的改变,所以你会发现月食临近的日子里也许是你的转折点/关键日期。 

还有2次未发生的月食,本年9月27日和2016年的3月23日。这之后,你可以休息了,因为月食在白羊-天平的关于家,家庭的影响就结束了, 条件的变化也许没有过去经历的那么激进。如果你回想2013早些时候,你也许处在完全不同境地。 虽然改变总是很难, 但是却很有必要。且现在你可以有着对未来的极大确定性大步向前。 

一旦木星8月11日进入处女座直到2016年9月,几乎13个月的时间,你的交流宫被点亮,你将会有非常不同的收益。 你将很可能学习用一种完全不同的方式交流, 或者一种新的维度。举例说明,如果你一直给你老板写报告,你现在可能被邀作公司代言人。或者,如果你是软件工程师,你也许会设计手机软件。你的机会很可能在沟通交流领域。 


爱情方面,你也许在秋天看到极大改进。 Saturn, 任务大师,自从2012年10月起就进驻你的真爱宫,但是在去年12月23日退出了。如果你在和某人约会,Saturn也许在用一些困难测试你对此人的感情深度。如果是这样,那么它的离开也许让你终于释怀。 Saturn常常设置分离,而错不在你。 比如,你也许发现自己的爱慕者距你甚远,为了工作原因做着空中飞人, 或者为了拿到学位而日夜苦读。 

2014年12月底,当Saturn离开天蝎时,你的爱情生活得到改善且正常了,但是这个夏日,Saturn会回到天蝎13周,从6月14到9月17。 你也许遇到同样的旧问题,但是不会很久。9月17后,Saturn会离开,且未来30年都不会再回来。本文来自星座运势网. 在Saturn监督下, 过去2年你也许已经学到了一些人生功课,也因为那些经历使你变坚强。未来,你也许不会再经历这些问题,因为你会马上预见到这些苦难(在事情发生前)。 

如果你单身,你有很强机缘去遇见你的真爱。如果你已婚,你将会有很多开心时光 - 当Saturn在我们5宫真爱宫时,惬意是必须的。Saturn要你工作,不是玩耍,接受宇宙考验。高兴地是,你很快就不用再对付土星了。 9月17日本年度之后,那些考验就永远结束了。到11月11日在你真爱宫发生的极好的积极的新月后,你将会看到有所不同。



This year may be a turning point for you, where your old life fades into the background and a new chapter begins. Life may not have been easy for you over the past three years, for Uranus and Pluto and a set of eclipses may have caused you to adjust to many new realities at work, at home, or with a close relationship. 

Although you are a sentimental soul and don’t like to see too much change happen at once, you always rise to the occasion when the chips are down. Despite the hardships you may have endured, you proved that you were a lot tougher than people, including yourself, might have thought. You refused to be flattened by challenging events that may have forced you to quickly change direction, and now, as you stand poised at the threshold to enter a new birthday year, you are stronger and wiser than ever before. 

As you begin your new birthday year, the need to unshackle yourself from limiting circumstances may be very strong. Uranus is still moving through your tenth house of career. You may feel bored with your job, concerned that you are not making enough of a name for yourself in your industry, or even want to change industries altogether. Uranus can encourage you not only to be passionate and determined but also impulsive. If you make your move, be sure that you’ve planned out all your future moves, or, like in a chess game, you may find yourself backed into a corner. 
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Uranus is in self-starter Aries, so you may have just started your own business or may be in the process of doing this soon. Make sure to do all necessary advance planning, including researching applicable laws and regulations, before you begin. Cancer is a self-motivated sign and often does well working in entrepreneurial enterprises. Other Cancers choose to work in a family business, taking over from the previous generation, and are typically creative about modernizing these businesses. Uranus, so prominent now in your tenth house of fame and honors (until 2019), also rules charities, humanitarian efforts, and forward-thinking organizations, so you may find yourself drawn to these areas. There are many options, too numerous to list, but the point is that you have a sterling chance to identify not only a job that is right for you but also an avocation—a calling—that you can enjoy and devote yourself to fully. With Uranus so prominent during this time, you likely feel a yearning to work at a job that will allow you to make the world a better place. 

Eclipses in Aries and Libra will continue in the coming birthday year and could cut across your home, family, and living situation as well as the house of your career. The last eclipse occurred this year on April 4, 2015; the two eclipses of last year occurred April 15 and October 8, 2014; and the first in the series occurred October 18, 2013. Eclipses are the most dramatic way the universe uses to affect sweeping change, so you may have found that a time near the eclipse dates could have been turning points for you. 

Two more eclipses are due in this series: on September 27, 2015 and March 23, 2016. After this, you can rest, as the eclipses in the Aries-Libra family or home situation sector will be done, and conditions will probably not change as radically as they have in the past. If you think back to early 2013, you may be in a much different place now than you were then. Although changes may have been difficult to make, they were necessary, and now you can proceed with a sense of greater certainty about your future. 

Jupiter, the good fortune planet, was touring your house of income over the past year, and will leave this sector on August 11. In the past year, at some point you might have seen more money come to you than you have in years, and having more money may have given you many options in life, as well as a strong sense of security. 

Once Jupiter moves into Virgo on August 11 to stay until September 2016, a period of almost 13 months, you will have very different benefits, for Jupiter will light your house of communication. You will likely learn to communicate in a completely new way, or in a new venue. For example, if you have always written reports for your boss, you may now be asked to be a spokesperson for the company. Or, if you are a software engineer, you may be designing and writing mobile apps. There may be opportunities for you in communication. 

The third house is associated with travel within a day’s drive, perhaps, a 500-mile radius. If you are in sales, you will find that clients based outside your city may bring you the biggest orders. Face-to-face meetings with your clients could be especially effective. If you are self-employed, consider putting together an advertising, direct mail, or publicity campaign for your business and think about launching it after the new moon September 12. 

Romantically, you might see dramatic improvement by autumn. Saturn, the taskmaster planet, has been in your true love sector since October 2012, but made an exit on December 23, 2014. If you were dating someone, Saturn might have been testing the depth of feeling you had for this person by putting obstacles in the way. If so, Saturn’s departure might have given you instant relief from a frustrating situation. Saturn often sets up separations at no fault of your own. For example, you may have found that you kept meeting admirers who were based far away from you geographically, traveled frequently for work, or pursuing a graduate degree that required intense study. 

When Saturn moved out of Scorpio at the end of December 2014, conditions in your love life may have improved and normalized, but this summer, Saturn will return to Scorpio for 13 weeks, from June 14 to September 17. You may again run into some of the same problems related to dating and love, but not for long. After September 17, Saturn will move out of the constellation of Scorpio, not to return for three decades. In defense of Saturn, you may have learned life lessons over the past two years, and you are stronger for having gone through those experiences. In the future, you will probably not encounter the same problems, for you might spot future difficulties immediately. 

If you are single, you may have a strong chance of meeting the one true love for you. If you are attached, you could have more fun from then on, too—for when Saturn was in our fifth house of true love, leisure might have seemed like a bit of an oxymoron. Saturn wanted you to work, not play, and to endure cosmic tests. Happily, you won’t be dealing with Saturn much longer. By September 17 of this year, those tests could be over for good. Watch for developments after the brilliant and positive new moon in your love sector, November 11.



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