【Astro twins 2015年7月12星座占星运势】
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Astro twins 2015年7月12星座运势


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本帖共12页 每页一个星座 


















 Sink a little deeper into that hammock, Aries. The Sun is making its cozy rounds through Cancer, your fourth house of home and family, until July 22. For the first three weeks of the month, you're in the mood to nest and rest, to connect with family and cherished friends, and to draw your circle in tight. Trespassers beware: The Ram is in no mood for small talk and chatty strangers right now.

But before you get TOO comfortable, the month also delivers a career high note—or turning point—right off the bat. On July 1, the Capricorn full moon illuminates your tenth house of success, structure and long-range goals. There are two full moons in July, which is rare (the second is on July 31). This first lunar moment could bring the culmination of everything you've been working toward since late December 2014. Perhaps you'll begin the month by signing on the dotted line, launching a high-profile venture or accepting a prestigious offer. The tenth house rules public image, so you could also receive some well-deserved recognition in your industry. Since full moons can also mark endings, you may decide to make a dramatic U-turn from your current professional path.


Midmonth, the domestic focus is at its strongest. On July 15, the Cancer new moon heralds fresh starts around your living situation or closest ties. You may begin looking for a new home, revamping your current abode or connecting with your family. A pregnancy is possible, or a child may play a strong role in events. On this day, there will be a stunning SIX planets in water signs, touching the most emotional and creative parts of your chart. Reserve this time for intimate connections, whether with family, a significant other or beloved friends. Make time to nurture your talents, Aries—you could come up with some of your most moving and inspired work now. A woman or an elderly person could figure into events at this new moon, too.

The restful days give way to raucous good times starting July 22, when the Sun moves into Leo, your fifth house of romance and passion. While this could kick off an exciting month of love, there are a couple of cosmic curveballs to navigate. On July 25 and July 26 respectively, both love planet Venus and disruptive Uranus will turn retrograde (backward), interrupting the order and harmony in parts of your life. 

Affectionate Venus will be retrograde until September 6, a cycle that happens every 18 months, turning love and friendships topsy-turvy (brace yourself for the big celebrity breakup headlines). Venus fuels connection and compassion, and its backward turn can bring out people's stingy and judgmental sides. Many astrologers consider Venus retrograde a "blackout" time for weddings, engagements and budding relationships. While we don't recommend canceling your nuptials or calling off a commitment (unless it's truly beyond repair), there CAN be some less-than-blissful moments in your closest ties. Retrogrades turn our attention to the past, making them a good time to reflect, reevaluate and repair. Lovers from your past can also resurface during Venus retrograde, so don't be surprised if the "ex factor" strikes.

Meantime, impulsive Uranus will turn retrograde in Aries from July 25-December 25. Uranus does this five-month reversal for roughly the same dates every year. The message here is to slow down a bit with your personal projects. Don't go racing off to fly solo too quickly. Unlike the first half of 2015, careful evaluation will serve you better than a "just do it" approach. During this cycle, you could be viewed as more of a rabble-rouser than a thought leader. You may be tempted to tap into some of Uranus' rebellious energy, especially if you feel like someone is holding you back. Busting through bureaucracy or thumbing your nose at protocol is a no-no now. You could alienate people or turn them off if you force an agenda. Keep plans progressing along, but know that it may happen at a slightly slower clip.

For the last week of July, half of the planets—Venus, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto—will be retrograde. If there was ever a compelling reason to press pause and take that well-deserved summer vacation, this is it. Or, you can use this period to tie up loose ends before you plow into new projects in the fall. Don't be afraid to put something on hold or to say, "I need a little more time to think about that."

And how about tapping into the power of the collective to push through this slowdown? On July 31, an Aquarius full moon illuminates your eleventh house of teamwork and technology. A collaborative approach could put wind back in the sails of a flagging individual project. You might launch a digital venture, post a viral video or become an official member of an avant-garde crew. This is an especially potent full moon because it's the culmination of not one, but TWO, new moons that touched down in Aquarius this year (on January 20 and February 18). Anything you do collectively will be especially charged as July ends.





Love is certainly in the air for the first three weeks of the month, as amorous Venus travels through Leo, your lusty and libidinous fifth house, until July 18. The headline date is actually July 1, when Venus will make its first of three conjunctions this year with lucky and expansive Jupiter. It's rare for the two "benefics" (Venus and Jupiter are called this because their influence is largely positive) to align so often in one year. Their next meetups will be August 4 and October 25, but this one is the most potent when it comes to your love life.

So, Aries, take a chance! Whether that means being more outspoken about your desires, being honest about your feelings or making a move, there's no holding you back now. Jupiter rules travel and personal growth, so single Aries could meet someone on vacation, in a class/workshop or just click with a long-distance prospect. Don't let geography or language be a barrier today! Coupled Aries can bring back the spark by stoking your adventurous spirit—traveling, learning, doing a creative project together, hosting visiting friends in your home. Open up the borders of your shared world to new and inspiring influences. Some Aries may realize they've outgrown a connection, and that it's time to seek a more compatible match. If so, this optimistic Venus-Jupiter combo will help you let go with love. 

Meantime, passionate Mars (your ruling planet) spends all month in Cancer, your fourth house of home and family. You may be especially driven to cohabitate, or to infuse your nest with sexy energy (e.g., candles, new bedding, maybe a framed boudoir photo). A pregnancy is also possible for some Rams, especially with the life-giving Sun also here until July 22. Mars will be in Cancer until August 8, and while the red planet can be motivating, it can also add pressure. If your relationship is on the precipice of a more serious transition, you may feel some urgency around taking big steps, such as meeting each other's families, having a child or moving in together. If you've been dragging your feet around a decision, this proactive Sun-Mars energy will certainly propel you forward. Just try not to get too worked up over your timeline—or stressed out by someone else's demands. Couples who live together can get a bout of cabin fever, or become irritable and cranky. You might need to carve out a little more personal space in your household, or push yourself to leave home base when your mood takes a nosedive.

On July 18, Venus will move into Virgo for a brief interlude (until July 31), energizing your health-conscious and analytical sixth house. This is a great time for active pursuits (bike rides, hiking, healthy eating) with your S.O., or even to meet someone through wellness-related activities. Maybe you chat up a cutie at the juice bar or exchange flirty banter with a beach volleyball teammate. Who knows where it could lead!

But before the action really takes flight, the stars slam the brakes on July 25, when Venus turns retrograde for six weeks. Venus makes this backspin every 18 months, forcing the whole world to press pause and evaluate the "state of the union" in our love lives. Perhaps you have some outmoded attitudes that aren't serving your highest interests, or are rooted in painful past experiences. Venus retrograde can offer a helpful window to examine these blocks. Between now and September 6, any issues that you've swept under the rug in your personal life could rear up and force you to deal. While it can be challenging to confront these things, if you do the repair work, you'll emerge on much stronger footing this fall.

In a worst-case scenario, the retrograde can interrupt the harmony of a budding relationship, or it can stir up drama in existing bonds. On July 31, the planet of harmony will reverse into Leo and your expressive fifth house for the remainder of the retrograde. You're already an outspoken sign, but now, you could really hit below the belt with those blunt remarks. Careful, Aries: The fur could fly if you get into any diva-style showdowns. (Here are some important tips for how to fight fair with your partner, just in case http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-16112/how-to-fight-fair-with-your-partner.html.) An accidental pregnancy could also be in the cards, since the fifth house rules fertility. If you're in the childbearing demographic, you and your mate could also disagree about whether to have kids, or when to try. This topic (and other loaded ones) might be best discussed with the help of a couple's therapist or a neutral third party. Retrogrades rule the past, so don't be surprised if an old flame or two pings you out of the blue. Maybe it's time to reunite with the "one that got away"? Or, if you've been struggling to let go of a bygone relationship, this Venus retrograde period can help you finally heal.

Rebellious Uranus also turns retrograde on July 25 in Aries, which could spawn an identity crisis—or a need for space. Uranus will be in reverse until December 25, an important time to make sure you have enough "me time." If a relationship has gotten too close for comfort, you might strike out on your own for a bit, or pursue a few activities that are less couple-centric. At the very least, make sure you have a good channel for expressing your individuality now. Otherwise, you might start taking out your frustration on the people closest to you.





Jump into the big leagues! The month begins and ends with full moons, both of which will spotlight the more public and visionary zones of your chart. On July 1, the Capricorn full moon touches down in your tenth house of career and success, marking a bold turning point. This full moon is the culmination of events that began back in December. Did you make any New Year's resolutions around work, leadership or stepping into your power? Those could come to fruition now. This is your moment to move on up, Aries, so position yourself strategically.

Whatever happens near this date could also be charged with intensity. This full moon will be conjunct play-for-keeps Pluto, so any deals you DO ink won't be easy to back out of. Keep that in mind before you step into a new position, take on a client or sign up for anything long-term. If fame or a leadership role comes knocking, get ready: Your influence and prestige will be resounding. A well-connected VIP or decision-maker could also come into your orbit. With optimistic Jupiter and charming Venus joining forces in your self-expression house this same day, your pitching powers will be irresistible. Grab the microphone and share from the heart. Strike while the iron is hot!

Work life balance issues? Pluto will have a few interplanetary squabbles this month that could pit you between personal and professional demands. On July 6, the Sun in Cancer, your domestic fourth house, makes its annual opposition to Pluto. A domineering family member could make a snide remark about your aspirations, perhaps in a passive-aggressive bid for attention. If you've been giving too much at the office, you may also have to assert some boundaries with a client or authority figure—a tenuous move that will have to be handled delicately. You might also just feel stretched thin, putting out fires on the homefront AND at work. If you're celebrating the July 4th holiday in the U.S., you may need to carve out some time away from the barbecues and fireworks to answer a work S.O.S. call. Plan in advance by delegating duties, especially if you're hosting guests. Don't try to be the Aries superhero and do it all alone. 

This tense opposition will repeat itself on July 16, when Pluto faces off with communicator Mercury and aggressive Mars in your personal fourth house. Watch your emotional reactions, as you're likely to rail against even the slightest whiff of domination from clients, colleagues or supervisors. Whew! You won't be able to take THAT back so easily. That said, if you've been suppressing your true feelings, it's time to clear the air. Just know that calculating Pluto underscores a need to be discerning in your approach. Laying all your cards on the table is NOT a good idea now, so filter out the key points before you raise an issue. If you're addressing a conflict, use "I" statements rather than "you" ones (standard advice that's easily forgotten during heated moments). You want to come across as proactive and solution-oriented, not hotheaded or complaining. Bridges could easily be burned by a quick-tempered reaction now­—the last thing you need.

Given Pluto's reputation as lord of the underworld, you'll also want to guard against shady power dynamics near these two dates. Someone could be throwing their weight around or operating in a way that's not completely above-board. Distance yourself from anything the feels fishy, lest you be implicated by association. Don't get sucked into loyalty games and rivalries now either, Aries. A little healthy competition can be motivating, but egos can get involved too easily, distracting you from the greater vision. Keep your sights on the big picture. 

A personal project can get a revival—or head to the back burner—from July 25-December 25, as subversive Uranus turns retrograde in Aries. Since retrogrades can reconnect us to the past, you might have the chance to dust off a solo venture, or to delve back into a groundbreaking creation that got sidelined (writing a memoir about your radical youth, running for office, developing an app that will set the tech world abuzz). This celestial slowdown might also force you to press pause on your cutting-edge ideas, using this time to deal with more pressing needs—like oh, paying the bills. With five planets retrograde during the last week of July, including Pluto in your career house, this could be a time of serious reflection. What do you want to do with your life? Where is your energy best used? Do you have enough resources to sustain yourself, or do you need to build a nest egg before breaking out on your own? No need to rush, Aries. Anything worth doing is worth doing right.

You could get a glimpse into your own inspired future on July 31, as the Aquarius full moon beams into your eleventh house of collaborations and social activism. You might decide to combine your paycheck with a world-changing cause, or to speak out publicly on an issue that matters to you. Maybe it's time to institute a "green" or giving-back program at the office? You could enhance your public profile by joining a non-profit board, or participating in a charitable effort. If you need a door opened, a recommendation or someone to spread the word, look no further than your existing circles. Tap into all the people you've brought up the ladder—this is your moment to let them return the favor. Or, pay it forward by bringing someone else up the ranks through your own connections. Play superconnector and introduce your favorite people to each other—you could make a dynamic match, along with a hefty deposit in your own good karma bank.

The eleventh house also rules technology, making this a great day to launch anything digital. Perhaps your social media profiles could use a refresh, or you could make a big announcement that spreads like wildfire through your feeds. Trace your steps back to January 20 and February 18—the year's two Aquarius new moons—for clues of what could be coming together now. 




Mother, father, self—where do the circles intersect and separate? Parent or family matters could color events this July, as the stars circulate through zones of your chart related to your lineage. The Sun is in your maternal fourth house until July 22, along with aggravator Mars all month and communicator Mercury from July 8-23. This could stir up family friction, especially with a female relative. Or, it could spark a necessary clearing of the air. You won't mince words, but being direct (and loving) will help you resolve this once and for all. 

Your relatives can also be a source of motivation now. Perhaps you'll motivate each other to try something new, or take turns playing cheerleader as the other goes through a transition. With Mars in your home sector, working out at Chateau Aries or buddying up with a loved one could bring great results. Your living situation could also change, especially near the July 15 Cancer new moon. This is a great day to put a home on the market, move or change the energy of your household with new decor, feng shui or a fresh furniture configuration. If you need to turn a clean page with a woman or child in your life, this is a helpful day to do so. 

The July 1 full moon in Capricorn—your house of fathers and male relatives—puts an important man (possibly your dad) in the spotlight. This full moon will be conjunct psyche-plumbing Pluto, so any buried emotional issues could come out now. You may have a bolt of insight into his motives, or seal your bond by bringing hidden matters into the open. You might open up and share something vulnerable with each other that changes the way you relate to each other, hopefully for the better. If you've been harboring anger, hurt or resentment, you could discuss it today, but take care not to fling accusations or go for the jugular. Although our "child selves" may expect our parents to sit on pedestals, they are fallible human beings like the rest of us. Remember, Aries: You are an adult and therefore responsible for your own life. If you're feeling held back by your parents' missteps in the past, this would be a good month to seek therapy or healing treatment around that.

Just watch for family tension during Pluto's two oppositions this month, on July 6 (against the Sun) and July 16 (against Mercury and Mars). You could feel caught in the middle between your parents, or find yourself repeating an old dynamic that you watched your mother and/or father act out. You swore you'd never end up like them…and here you go. Beware the urge to mediate between warring family factions, as you could get dragged through the mud when you insert yourself in the middle. Likely, there will be a lot of blaming, ego and projection in the mix, so your best bet is probably to sidestep this drama.

On July 18, Mercury in your fourth house of family will form a tense square to hotheaded Uranus in Aries. You may not be able to hold back from telling someone what you really think. Beware the explosive energy of this day, however. Chances are good that you won't think before you speak now, so play it cool on this irrational day, lest you damage your most cherished ties.







Think, think, think…your mental wheels are turning non-stop! Until July 22, the Sun is in Cancer, your third house of communication and ideas, a great time for brainstorming, problem-solving and all kinds of cerebral activities. Conversations can be both fun and productive—you have wit and intelligence in spades. Immerse yourself in culture and media. Listen to podcasts. Crack open summer’s best non-fiction, according to the critics. Binge-watch season three of Orange Is the New Black. (What IS all the hype about Ruby Rose anyway?)


Come along, and ride on a fantastic voyage! Your attention could be pulled in a global direction early in the month, as the July 1 full moon in Capricorn lights up your ninth house of expansion, travel and adventure, and your inner wayfarer comes out to play. But this full moon links up with transformational Pluto in Capricorn, giving your grand plans a fated feeling. Destiny is calling your name, Taurus! It’s finally time to spread your gossamer wings, whether you embark on a whole new academic or methaphysical path, start plotting a ‘round-the-world odyssey, or roll the dice on an entrepreneurial venture. Pluto’s intensity brings some important weight to this turn of events. The time for true, deep growth has come. You Bulls are known for being reluctant to leave your familiar pasture (whether environmental OR internal), but there’s no turning back now, so you might as well rile up your enthusiasm to embark, perhaps a la Lakeside and their cool, classic nautically-themed old school hit (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1YjmXSyHa8).

Also on July 1, a conjunction (exact meetup) forms between harmonious Venus and abundant Jupiter in Leo, your fourth house of home and family. Perhaps you’ll decide to move, redecorate or start a family of your own. Or, you may just have a heart-expanding moment of peace, love and understanding with your clan. A dynamic woman, perhaps a long-distance figure, could play a major role in expanding your world. If you’ve had conflict with a relative (especially a female one), or you just haven’t been able to find quality time together, this olive-branch moment can reaffirm your bond.

On July 15, the new moon in Cancer shines its inspirational light on your third house of language and communication. This is a fantastic day to have a heart-stirring conversation, or to pen an essay or blog post about something that’s been weighing on your mind. Schedule an important pitch meeting or brainstorming session, and then watch for results six months down the line. On this day, there will be six planets in water signs (the Sun, the moon, chatty Mercury, energetic Mars, sober Saturn and dreamy Neptune)—making this an excellent day for spreading ideas that are the perfect blend of rational thought and gut-based intuition. It’s also a five-star moment for speaking intelligently and from your heart.

The summer soirees slow down on July 22, when the Sun moves into Leo, your domestic fourth house. For the next four weeks, you’re feeling more internal and sensitive—so what if everyone else is flitting from barbecues to the beach to rooftop brunches? You long to feel rooted now, both in your physical sanctuary and your emotional shelter. Don’t force yourself to go out if you’d prefer intimate times at Chez Taurus. Invite your closest family and friends over for a night of homemade quesadillas and sangria, reminiscing and sharing the love. Nest away in solitude, too. Indulge in daytime baths, reading and hammock swings. Your talent for doling out the TLC starts first with yourself. Of course, you’ll probably be in the mood to nurture your loved ones, too. Find ways to soak up—and express—maternal energy now.

But don’t get TOO cozy, because peacekeeper Venus turns retrograde (backward) just three days later, reversing its course from July 25-September 6. The planet of love and harmony will first do backstrokes in Virgo, your fifth house of romance, from July 25-July 31. During that period, you may see the reappearance of an ex, or reflect on an old relationship issue. Or maybe you’ll be reminded of a time when you had more courage in how you expressed yourself—and wonder how the heck you can get that back. On the 31st, Venus backs into Leo, sending ripples of discontent through your fourth domestic house. People could be cranky on the homefront; you could also clash with your mother, a child or a female relative. Or perhaps you just feel out of alignment with your own basic needs and desires, e.g. whether or not to start a family, cohabitate or even just to let someone in a little more. Hold off on major decisions, but definitely take the time to reflect. You’re having these impulses or doubts for a reason. Don’t ignore the simmering issues that you may have swept aside.

Adding to the celestial stew, July 26 marks the start of Uranus turning retrograde in Aries, your twelfth house of dealing and healing. Until December 25, you could find that old issues are creeping into your thoughts, possibly even disturbing your sleep patterns. Maybe you feel “off”, but can’t quite pinpoint why. Be careful of denial or being too dismissive of old demons and vices. The stars are giving you a chance to find an ingenious solution to your current dilemmas, or even to an unhealthy addiction. Knots can be untangled, especially emotional ones. A resentment or betrayal that seemed intractable can actually be handled effectively, as Uranus retrograde opens your mind to forgiveness. If you’re dealing with a health issue, try some unconventional healing methods, but don’t veer TOO far off the beaten path. Mixing holistic and conventional techniques is your best bet.

Feeling stalled? Maybe you just need to surrender and press pause near the end of the month. For the last week of July, half of the planets will be retrograde—Venus, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto. The overall vibe is way more internal now, so use this time for introspection. If you take decisive action, do so only if it feels right inside, but don’t force your agenda. Timing is everything, Taurus.

The month ends on a celebratory note, as the July 31 full moon in Aquarius, your tenth house of success, brings a crowning career moment. This powerful day is the culmination of not one, but TWO, Aquarius new moons that lit up the skies in 2015. Get ready for a double-strength breakthrough or turning point, Bull! A professional matter you’ve been toiling away at could really pay off. And if you’re D-O-N-E with a chapter of your professional path, you will also know that deep in your bones. Maybe your New Year’s resolutions come together in the form of a new job or high-status client, or the receipt of an award, raise or promotion. Step into the spotlight with confidence, Bull. You’ve earned this victory dance! 




Sentimental summer ahead! Until July 18, magnetic Venus is roving through Leo, your fourth house of nostalgia and roots. Perhaps you’ll want to hunker down with your love, looking for ways to spiff up your abode, do a near-cohabitating key swap or make meet-the-parents plans (ready to join your S.O.’s clan on a family vacation?). Since the fourth house rules family, you could make your own pregnancy or adoption plans, or you might spend more time with a sweet young relative, such as a niece or nephew. Single Bulls could get busy settling into your home—and your skin. Your grounded, self-loving energy could attract a secure partner.

On July 1, when Venus combines its magic with optimistic Jupiter in this same cozy sector, you could have an illuminating moment, one that makes you feel great about taking a big leap—is it a cross country move, or a daring heart-to-heart that lights your emotional fire? You may finally feel ready to open your heart to new love. Don’t be surprised if the person you attract has strong family ties, and possibly even children from a prior relationship. This should in no way be a dealbreaker for you, Bull. Venus and Jupiter’s feel-good alignment is the first of three this year (the next ones are on August 4 and October 25). Good news: There’s even more hot AND healthy risk-taking in your romantic future!

Lightening the emotional mood, sultry Mars is roving through Cancer, your witty and flirtatious third house, until August 8. All month, enjoy some risque banter (even if you ARE an old-fashioned sign, every self-respecting single person in the 21st century should know how to sext by now…). The biggest turn-on for you this month is the spirit of friendship: hanging out, being yourselves, exploring new activities and ideas. You could delight your current amour with hilarious stories and casual jokes. Or maybe you grow closer by studying something new together, like a language or French cooking.

Single Bulls could feel sparks with a friend, as your kindred-spirit vibe crosses a romantic line. (Should you, or shouldn’t you? That is THE question.) Or, you may meet a potential mate while cruising through your own ‘hood. Who knew your local brewery was such a hotspot of romantic potential? Even if you connect with someone, you may just want to keep it light. No admissions of horribly botched past relationships or heavy familial dysfunction, please—from either of you. It’s far better for you to get to know someone casually and keep your dance card open. This is no time to get overly serious, Taurus.

On July 18, enchanting Venus enters Virgo, your passionate fifth house, until July 31. While it may be tantalizing to make hay (and love) while the sun is shining, be forewarned that the planet of love will begin a retrograde (backward) spin here on July 25, slowing your romantic roll. Love could blossom for a mere week before hitting the possible skids, or a frustrating slowdown. The Venus retrograde period lasts from July 6 to September 6. Starting July 31, Venus will reverse into Leo, your fourth house of home and family. You may have a chance to reflect on how a parent’s attitude toward love has negatively impacted your own life. An ex-lover could burst back onto the scene, and maybe the timing is actually right now. If there are still feelings on both sides, you could certainly explore—but avoid making any snap decisions until Venus turns direct (forward) in six weeks. Overall, Venus retrograde can be a time when romance goes off the rails. But please don’t freak out if you take a temporary separation, or if your emotions swell out of control: This is part of a larger adjustment of you figuring out how love and romance fits into your life on the most foundational level.




Bring on the earth-shattering ideas and savvy social media posts! Until July 22, the Sun is in Cancer, your conceptual and communicative third house, firing up your most exciting plans and projects. With go-getter Mars in Cancer all month, too, you’re really driven to express yourself, so roll up your sleeves and start spreading your message. Not that this will be drudgery, Taurus. Your mind is alive with brilliant notions, and you can barely spit them out fast enough.


Synergy is also a hallmark of July’s transits. Working with colleagues gives you helpful inspiration and input—both of which are invaluable now. Plus, your light-hearted ways are good for morale and camaraderie. Let the excitement from a thought-provoking conversation be the epic wind in your sales. Since you have an extra keen eye for marketing, this is also a wonderful month to hone your branding and messaging. Exercise that throat chakra, Bull, and speak up! Put your brilliance to paper (or blog post). Add a little promotion to the mix, especially if you have an idea worth sharing (like, say, a pop-up empathy museum http://www.empathymuseum.com). You shine best in cerebral, stimulating waters. 

As much as you’re gunning to move ahead, however, controlling Pluto will have a couple of squabbles this month that could affect your communication style and interactions. Or perhaps Pluto’s antics could cause you to completely rethink the way you approach something, like, in a massively overhauled way. Question everything, and insist on getting straight answers, even from people who clearly don’t want to be pinned down. This is not a month to operate on assumptions, e.g. that colleague has your best interests at heart, or that someone will hand in their deliverables on time. At the same time, don’t jump the gun in the other direction, either. You may be taking an overly skeptical approach to a situation, or just have an extremely hard time distinguishing if someone is exaggerating or being real.

The challenges heat up on July 6, when the Sun forms its annual opposition to calculating Pluto. Around this date, you could find a tricky battle of the wills playing out—and you’ll likely be in way too deep before you even realize what’s happening. Know that your ego is super-sensitive today, Taurus. There’s a good chance that you will dig in your heels and risk saying something incendiary (or blunt) just to make waves or to assert your own power. Yikes! You’re better off reflecting on where your desire to dominate comes from. Once you locate that in yourself—and channel it productively—you lessen the chance of abusing power, or being on the short end of someone else’s tyrannical tirade.

On July 16, combative Mars and talkative Mercury will go head-to-head with Pluto. Stress alert! The push to leap out of your comfort zone could feel way too uncomfortable for your liking. You might even be feeling bulldozed or rushed—or maybe you’re the one hustling others along at a breakneck pace. If you find yourself on information overload, first: Breathe. Deep within you, there’s a stream of peace. Find it, and act/speak from there. That—and only that—will make you a force to be reckoned with. For a how-to guide on getting aligned, check out Soul Communication: Spiritual Channels for Success and Fulfillment by Dr. Zhi Gang Sha http://www.amazon.com/Soul-Communication-Spiritual-Channels-Fulfillment/dp/1416588973. 

By the end of July, you could be popping the Dom and clinking the glasses. The month closes out with a July 31 Aquarius full moon, shining its brilliant light on your tenth house of success and achievement. There’s ample cause to celebrate, Taurus, whether you’ve been given a raise or promotion, scored a new, prestigious gig or just finally feel like you’ve reached the pinnacle of your professional ascent. Tomorrow, you can focus on what’s next, but this full moon is all about acknowledging the hard work and due diligence it took to get here. This full moon is the culmination of two Aquarius new moons, a supermoon on January 20 and one on February 18—so the past six months have been leading up to this powerful, status-happy conclusion. Get ready for a quantum leap on your professional path.

Since full moons can bring transitions, a boss, client or key colleague might suddenly move on, or you might decide to depart from your current gig. Should that happen, trust that something much better is headed your way. Likely you’ve outgrown whatever you’re shedding, so keep your eye on the prize.





Buddy up for a wellness breakthrough! When it comes to getting fit AND staying sane, you need someone by your side, thanks to go-getter Mars in Cancer, your third house of kindred spirits, all month. Grab a pal and hit the yoga studio or sunrise kettlebell class. Freshen up your playlists or maybe even listen to informative podcasts, so you’re really getting a bang for your buck when you run: cardio AND cutting-edge info! (We love the supremely smart episodes on Radiolab www.radiolab.com.) Sure, peace and quiet sound nice, but now you’re actually craving the latest and greatest—in music that makes you want to move. Taurus, your sign rules the five senses, and you can be especially auditory. Add a new Pandora station to the mix already, and watch your motivation to work out multiply. When all else fails, a heart-to-heart with a friend on a brisk walk will make you forget you’re even being healthy. Grab a green juice, sneakers and sunscreen, and you’re good to go!

On July 1, the full moon in Capricorn is conjunct mystical Pluto in your ninth house of higher self. You’re craving a big-picture understanding of your whole existence—or at least, a few more clues about the meaning of life. Seek solace in metaphysical studies, or other types of spiritual searching. You could join a new temple or divinely-sourced community. Meeting other individuals who are similarly looking for transcendence can be a real boost. No one has all the answers, but we each have an important piece of the truth. Maybe you discover yours through a trip, or teaching or watching spiritual teachers’ videos. Whatever the case, be sure to make this belief your own. Autonomy equals liberation.

Also on July 1, affectionate Venus links up with adventurous Jupiter in Leo, your fourth house of home and family, making this a great time for a group getaway, or just bonding with your relatives. If you and a family member have been locked in conflict, or just taking wildly divergent paths, this is a wonderful time to smooth things over. Go for a hike, or just have a warm, generous attitude when you talk; on this day, it’s your second nature to see things from someone else’s point of view.

On July 18, you could be challenged to open your mind, as Mercury in Cancer, your third house of the intellect, forms a tricky square to rebellious Uranus in Aries, your twelfth house of the subconscious. If you’ve been holding on to resentment without realizing it, now you can see just how toxic your beliefs have become. In conversation (or even a fight) you may have an a-ha moment about letting a grudge finally go. Otherwise, beware of holding on to victim-minded beliefs and projecting those outward. It’s futile to be claiming injury a million years after the fact, when you were a willing participant in at least SOME way. Watch for a knee-jerk tendency to speak and think without reason. Complaints and judgments are out; inclusion and generosity are in. 

From July 25-September 6, beautifying Venus is retrograde (backward), first in Virgo, your expressive fifth house, and then, on July 31, in Leo, your familial fourth house. From July 31 until the end of the retrograde, you could find that your home life is one big Jerry Springer episode. Okay, maybe it’s not quite THAT intense, but harmony with your closest peeps may be hard to come by. Family members could push your buttons. If you’re looking to make your home sparkle, you could get a push on the redecorating front, especially if you’re returning to a previously abandoned plan, or a previously MIA decorator. However, take it slow, since your normally spot-on taste might miss the mark while your celestial ruler Venus makes this U-turn. Relocation is a possibility now, too—again, the retrograde favors past visitations, so if you explore moving to a place to which you have strong sentimental ties, all the better. Since aesthetics will be on your mind, consider some upgrades, if you’ve gotten stuck in a Pinterest-fueled design rut  (http://www.refinery29.com/pinterest-decor-rules?utm_source=email&utm_medium=editorial&utm_content=ewhere&utm_campaign=150616-pinterest-decor-rules#slide).

Feathering your nest will be of the utmost importance for other reasons, too: On July 26, disruptive Uranus will go retrograde (backward) in Aries, your twelfth house of the subconscious and hidden information. Until December 25, you could be wading through a psychological and/or emotional swamp. If negative or destructive thoughts are literally waking you up at night, that’s just one clue it’s time to deal. You may also have weird psychic flashes about what friends and colleagues are going through; your tuned-in nature could feel pretty random, causing you to disbelieve. Don’t do that. We’re all connected, and your awareness of this greater human web is critical to your own personal healing path (especially when you feel so abnormal deep down). When you feel for someone else, you are also feeling for yourself. 

That said, you may need to really amp up the self-care, including massage, journaling, and therapy. If you don’t DO something with this potential emotional purge, you could end up relying too heavily on destructive vices, e.g. Twinkies, booze, prescription drugs, nicotine, martyrdom, reality TV reruns et al. Quiet your mind with meditation or restorative yoga. It is a perfect time to embark on a therapeutic path, too. Having someone to whom you can spill the contents of your brain on a regular basis can work wonders. Choosing someone with good boundaries and an unconventional outlook can put you firmly on the road to healing.







Settle into your groove, Gemini. July is a grounding month—a great time to simplify and establish regular routines. Perhaps one of your recent birthday resolutions starts to take concrete form. This could be a busy month, too. Until July 22, the Sun is in Cancer, your second house of work, finances and productivity. Focus on what concrete steps you can take to cover your bottom line—do you need to supplement your income or tighten your purse strings? Making an effort with colleagues will put you in better standing on the job, too. Security is your main focus, and you may find yourself reevaluating both how you earn and spend. The more in charge you are of your money situation, the greater your self-esteem. Cut out a few of the pricey extras. What seems “small” could really add up in the long run.


Your finances could reach a major turning point on July 1, when the full moon in Capricorn shines its light on your eighth house of shared wealth, intimacy and long-term security. You could ink a deal or move into a more official relationship status (living together, getting engaged, signing that prenup—or possibly splitting up). Since this full moon will travel in tandem with binding and powerful Pluto, you are definitely playing for keeps.

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